Source code for models.vmware_protection_source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Cohesity Inc.

import cohesity_management_sdk.models.agent_information
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.datastore_info
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.ip_details
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.vmware_object_id
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.tag_attribute
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.vcloud_director_info
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.virtual_disk_info

[docs]class VmwareProtectionSource(object): """Implementation of the 'VMwareProtectionSource' model. Specifies a Protection Source in a VMware environment. Attributes: agent_id (long|int): Specifies the id of the persistent agent. agents (list of AgentInformation): Specifies the list of agent information on the Virtual Machine. This is set only if the Virtual Machine has persistent agent. connection_state (ConnectionStateEnum): Specifies the connection state of the Object and are only valid for ESXi hosts ('kHostSystem') or Virtual Machines ('kVirtualMachine'). These enums are equivalent to the connection states documented in VMware's reference documentation. Examples of Cohesity connection states include 'kConnected', 'kDisconnected', 'kInacccessible', etc. 'kConnected' indicates that server has access to virtual machine. 'kDisconnected' indicates that server is currently disconnected to virtual machine. 'kInaccessible' indicates that one or more configuration files are inacccessible. 'kInvalid' indicates that virtual machine configuration is invalid. 'kOrphaned' indicates that virtual machine is no longer registered on the host it is associated with. 'kNotResponding' indicates that virtual machine is failed to response due to external issues such as network connectivity, hostd not running etc. datastore_info (DatastoreInfo): TODO: type description here. folder_type (FolderTypeEnum): Specifies the folder type for the 'kFolder' Object. 'kVMFolder' indicates folder can hold VMs or vApps. 'kHostFolder' indicates folder can hold hosts and compute resources. 'kDatastoreFolder' indicates folder can hold datastores and storage pods. 'kNetworkFolder' indicates folder can hold networks and switches. 'kRootFolder' indicates folder can hold datacenters. has_persistent_agent (bool): Set to true if a persistent agent is running on the Virtual Machine. This is populated for entities of type 'kVirtualMachine'. host_type (HostTypeVmwareProtectionSourceEnum): Specifies the host type for the 'kVirtualMachine' Object. 'kLinux' indicates the Linux operating system. 'kWindows' indicates the Microsoft Windows operating system. 'kAix' indicates the IBM AIX operating system. 'kSolaris' indicates the Oracle Solaris operating system. 'kSapHana' indicates the Sap Hana database system developed by SAP SE. 'kOther' indicates the other types of operating system. id (VmwareObjectId): Specifies a unique Protection Source id across Cohesity Clusters. It is derived from the id of the VMware Protection Source. ip_details (IpDetails): This field can be used to capture IP Addresses for entities that have it. is_vm_template (bool): IsTemplate specifies if the VM is a template or not. name (string): Specifies a human readable name of the Protection Source. tag_attributes (list of TagAttribute): Specifies the optional list of VM Tag attributes associated with this Object. tools_running_status (ToolsRunningStatusEnum): Specifies the status of VMware Tools for the guest OS on the VM. This is only valid for the 'kVirtualMachine' type. 'kGuestToolsRunning' means the VMware tools are running on the guest OS. 'kGuestToolsNotRunning' means the VMware tools are not running on the guest OS. 'kUnknown' means the state of the VMware tools on the guest OS is not known. 'kGuestToolsExecutingScripts' means the guest OS is currently executing scripts using VMware tools. mtype (TypeVmwareProtectionSourceEnum): Specifies the type of managed Object in a VMware Protection Source. Examples of VMware Objects include 'kVCenter', 'kFolder', 'kDatacenter', 'kResourcePool', 'kDatastore', 'kVirtualMachine', etc. 'kVCenter' indicates the vCenter entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kFolder indicates the folder entity (of any kind) in a VMware protection source type. 'kDatacenter' indicates the datacenter entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kComputeResource' indicates the physical compute resource entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kResourcePool' indicates the set of physical resourses within a compute resource or cloudcompute resource. 'kDataStore' indicates the datastore entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kHostSystem' indicates the ESXi host entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kVirtualMachine' indicates the virtual machine entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kVirtualApp' indicates the virtual app entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kStandaloneHost' indicates the standalone ESXi host entity (not managed by vCenter) in a VMware protection source type. 'kStoragePod' indicates the storage pod entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kNetwork' indicates the standard vSwitch in a VMware protection source type. 'kDistributedVirtualPortgroup' indicates a distributed vSwitch port group in a VMware protection source type. 'kTagCategory' indicates a tag category entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kTag' indocates a tag entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kOpaqueNetwork' indicates a opaque network which is created and managed by an entity outside of vSphere. 'kVCloudDirector' indicates a vCloud director entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kOrganization' indicates an Organization under a vCD in a VMware protection source type. 'kVirtualDatacenter' indicates a virtual datacenter entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kCatalog' indocates a VCD catalog entity in a VMware protection source type. 'kOrgMetadata' indicates an VCD organization metadata in a VMware protection source type. 'kStoragePolicy' indicates a storage policy associated with the vApp in a VMware protection source type. vcloud_director_info (list of VcloudDirectorInfo): Specifies an array of vCenters to be registered version (string): For vCenter and ESXi, this will show the software version. For VMs, this will show the hardware version. virtual_disks (list of VirtualDiskInfo): Specifies an array of virtual disks that are part of the Virtual Machine. This is populated for entities of type 'kVirtualMachine'. """ # Create a mapping from Model property names to API property names _names = { "agent_id":'agentId', "agents":'agents', "connection_state":'connectionState', "datastore_info":'datastoreInfo', "folder_type":'folderType', "has_persistent_agent":'hasPersistentAgent', "host_type":'hostType', "id":'id', "ip_details":'ipDetails', "is_vm_template":'isVmTemplate', "name":'name', "tag_attributes":'tagAttributes', "tools_running_status":'toolsRunningStatus', "mtype":'type', "vcloud_director_info":'vCloudDirectorInfo', "version":'version', "virtual_disks":'virtualDisks' } def __init__(self, agent_id=None, agents=None, connection_state=None, datastore_info=None, folder_type=None, has_persistent_agent=None, host_type=None, id=None, ip_details=None, is_vm_template=None, name=None, tag_attributes=None, tools_running_status=None, mtype=None, vcloud_director_info=None, version=None, virtual_disks=None): """Constructor for the VmwareProtectionSource class""" # Initialize members of the class self.agent_id = agent_id self.agents = agents self.connection_state = connection_state self.datastore_info = datastore_info self.folder_type = folder_type self.has_persistent_agent = has_persistent_agent self.host_type = host_type = id self.ip_details = ip_details self.is_vm_template = is_vm_template = name self.tag_attributes = tag_attributes self.tools_running_status = tools_running_status self.mtype = mtype self.vcloud_director_info = vcloud_director_info self.version = version self.virtual_disks = virtual_disks
[docs] @classmethod def from_dictionary(cls, dictionary): """Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary Args: dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as obtained from the deserialization of the server's response. The keys MUST match property names in the API description. Returns: object: An instance of this structure class. """ if dictionary is None: return None # Extract variables from the dictionary agent_id = dictionary.get('agentId') agents = None if dictionary.get('agents') != None: agents = list() for structure in dictionary.get('agents'): agents.append(cohesity_management_sdk.models.agent_information.AgentInformation.from_dictionary(structure)) connection_state = dictionary.get('connectionState') datastore_info = cohesity_management_sdk.models.datastore_info.DatastoreInfo.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('datastoreInfo')) if dictionary.get('datastoreInfo') else None folder_type = dictionary.get('folderType') has_persistent_agent = dictionary.get('hasPersistentAgent') host_type = dictionary.get('hostType') id = cohesity_management_sdk.models.vmware_object_id.VmwareObjectId.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('id')) if dictionary.get('id') else None ip_details = cohesity_management_sdk.models.ip_details.IpDetails.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('ipDetails')) if dictionary.get('ipDetails') else None is_vm_template = dictionary.get('isVmTemplate') name = dictionary.get('name') tag_attributes = None if dictionary.get('tagAttributes') != None: tag_attributes = list() for structure in dictionary.get('tagAttributes'): tag_attributes.append(cohesity_management_sdk.models.tag_attribute.TagAttribute.from_dictionary(structure)) tools_running_status = dictionary.get('toolsRunningStatus') mtype = dictionary.get('type') vcloud_director_info = None if dictionary.get('vCloudDirectorInfo') != None: vcloud_director_info = list() for structure in dictionary.get('vCloudDirectorInfo'): vcloud_director_info.append(cohesity_management_sdk.models.vcloud_director_info.VcloudDirectorInfo.from_dictionary(structure)) version = dictionary.get('version') virtual_disks = None if dictionary.get('virtualDisks') != None: virtual_disks = list() for structure in dictionary.get('virtualDisks'): virtual_disks.append(cohesity_management_sdk.models.virtual_disk_info.VirtualDiskInfo.from_dictionary(structure)) # Return an object of this model return cls(agent_id, agents, connection_state, datastore_info, folder_type, has_persistent_agent, host_type, id, ip_details, is_vm_template, name, tag_attributes, tools_running_status, mtype, vcloud_director_info, version, virtual_disks)