models_v2.register_hdfs_source_request_parameters module¶
(host=None, configuration_directory=None, hadoop_distribution=None, hadoop_version=None, namenode_address=None, webhdfs_port=None, auth_type=None, ssh_password_credentials=None, ssh_private_key_credentials=None, kerberos_principal=None)[source]¶ Bases:
Implementation of the ‘Register HDFS source request parameters.’ model.
Specifies parameters to register an HDFS source.
- Attributes:
namenode_address (string): The HDFS Namenode IP or hostname. webhdfs_port (int): The HDFS WebHDFS port. auth_type (AuthTypeEnum): Authentication type. host (string): IP or hostname of any host from which the HDFS
configuration files core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml can be read.
- configuration_directory (string): The directory containing the
core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml configuration files.
- ssh_password_credentials (SshPasswordCredentials3): SSH username +
password required for reading configuration file. Either ‘sshPasswordCredentials’ or ‘sshPrivateKeyCredentials’ are required.
- ssh_private_key_credentials (SshPrivateKeyCredentials3): SSH userID +
privateKey required for reading configuration file.
- kerberos_principal (string): The kerberos principal to be used to
connect to this HDFS source.
- hadoop_distribution (HadoopDistributionEnum): The hadoop distribution
for this cluster. This can be either ‘CDH’ or ‘HDP’
hadoop_version (string): The hadoop version for this cluster.
(dictionary)[source]¶ Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary
- Args:
dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as obtained from the deserialization of the server’s response. The keys MUST match property names in the API description.
- Returns:
object: An instance of this structure class.