models.alert_category_enum module

class models.alert_category_enum.AlertCategoryEnum[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of the ‘AlertCategory’ enum.

Specifies the category of an Alert. kDisk - Alert associated with the disk. kNode - Alert associated with general hardware on a specific node. kCluster - Alert associated with general hardware in cluster level. kChassis - Alert associated with the Chassis. kPowerSupply - Alert associated with the power supply. kCPU - Alert associated with the CPU usage. kMemory - Alert associated with the RAM/Memory. kTemperature - Alert associated with the temperature. kFan - Alert associated with the fan. kNIC - Alert associated with network chips and interfaces. kFirmware - Alert associated with the firmware. kNodeHealth - Alert associated with node health status. kOperatingSystem - Alert associated with operating systems. kDataPath - Alert associated with data management in the cluster. kMetadata - Alert associated with metadata management. kIndexing - Alert associated with indexing services. kHelios - Alert associated with Helios. kAppMarketPlace - Alert associated with App MarketPlace. kLicense - Alert associated with licensing. kSecurity - Alert associated with security. kUpgrade - Alert associated with upgrade activities. kClusterManagement - Alert associated with cluster management activities. kAuditLog - Alert associated with audit log events. kNetworking - Alert associated with networking issue. kConfiguration - Alert associated with cluster or system configurations. kStorageUsage - Alert associated with the disk/domain/cluster storage usage. kFaultTolerance - Alert associated with the fault tolerance in different levels. kBackupRestore - Alert associated with Backup-Restore job. kArchivalRestore - Alert associated with Archival-Restore job. kRemoteReplication - Alert associated with Replication job. kQuota - Alert associated with Quotas.


KDISK: TODO: type description here. KNODE: TODO: type description here. KCLUSTER: TODO: type description here. KCHASSIS: TODO: type description here. KPOWERSUPPLY: TODO: type description here. KCPU: TODO: type description here. KMEMORY: TODO: type description here. KTEMPERATURE: TODO: type description here. KFAN: TODO: type description here. KNIC: TODO: type description here. KFIRMWARE: TODO: type description here. KNODEHEALTH: TODO: type description here. KOPERATINGSYSTEM: TODO: type description here. KDATAPATH: TODO: type description here. KMETADATA: TODO: type description here. KINDEXING: TODO: type description here. KHELIOS: TODO: type description here. KAPPMARKETPLACE: TODO: type description here. KLICENSE: TODO: type description here. KSECURITY: TODO: type description here. KUPGRADE: TODO: type description here. KCLUSTERMANAGEMENT: TODO: type description here. KAUDITLOG: TODO: type description here. KNETWORKING: TODO: type description here. KCONFIGURATION: TODO: type description here. KSTORAGEUSAGE: TODO: type description here. KFAULTTOLERANCE: TODO: type description here. KBACKUPRESTORE: TODO: type description here. KARCHIVALRESTORE: TODO: type description here. KREMOTEREPLICATION: TODO: type description here. KQUOTA: TODO: type description here.

KARCHIVALRESTORE = 'kArchivalRestore'
KAUDITLOG = 'kAuditLog'
KBACKUPRESTORE = 'kBackupRestore'
KCHASSIS = 'kChassis'
KCLUSTER = 'kCluster'
KCLUSTERMANAGEMENT = 'kClusterManagement'
KCONFIGURATION = 'kConfiguration'
KDATAPATH = 'kDataPath'
KDISK = 'kDisk'
KFAN = 'kFan'
KFAULTTOLERANCE = 'kFaultTolerance'
KFIRMWARE = 'kFirmware'
KHELIOS = 'kHelios'
KINDEXING = 'kIndexing'
KLICENSE = 'kLicense'
KMEMORY = 'kMemory'
KMETADATA = 'kMetadata'
KNETWORKING = 'kNetworking'
KNODE = 'kNode'
KNODEHEALTH = 'kNodeHealth'
KOPERATINGSYSTEM = 'kOperatingSystem'
KPOWERSUPPLY = 'kPowerSupply'
KQUOTA = 'kQuota'
KREMOTEREPLICATION = 'kRemoteReplication'
KSECURITY = 'kSecurity'
KSTORAGEUSAGE = 'kStorageUsage'
KTEMPERATURE = 'kTemperature'
KUPGRADE = 'kUpgrade'