models.restore_files_params module

class models.restore_files_params.RestoreFilesParams(blacklisted_ip_addrs=None, destination_ep_uuid=None, directory_name_security_style_map=None, is_archive_flr=None, is_file_volume_restore=None, is_mount_based_flr=None, is_source_initiated_restore=None, isilon_env_params=None, mount_disks_on_vm=None, nas_backup_params=None, nas_protocol_type_vec=None, objectstore_config_name=None, physical_flr_parallel_restore=None, proxy_entity=None, proxy_entity_parent_source=None, restore_files_preferences=None, restore_method=None, restored_file_info_vec=None, s3_viewbackupproperties=None, source_snapshot_name=None, target_entity=None, target_entity_credentials=None, target_entity_parent_source=None, target_host_entity=None, target_host_type=None, uptier_params=None, use_existing_agent=None, view_id=None, view_name=None, vpc_connector_entity=None, whitelisted_ip_addrs=None)[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of the ‘RestoreFilesParams’ model.

This message captures all the necessary arguments specified by the user to restore files to the source.

blacklisted_ip_addrs (list of string): A list of target IP addresses

that should not be used.

destination_ep_uuid (string): Destination endpoint UUID for source s3


directory_name_security_style_map (list of

RestoreFilesParamsDirectoryNameSecurityStyleMapEntry): Directory name security style map contains mapping of the directory name to security style it supports. This is needed to restore the same permission for the given directory for Qtrees.

is_archive_flr (bool): Whether this is a file restore operation from

an archive.

is_file_volume_restore (bool): Whether this will use an existing agent

on the target VM to do the restore. This field is deprecated. restore_method should be used for populating use of existing agent.

is_mount_based_flr (bool): Whether this is a mount based file restore


is_source_initiated_restore (bool): Whether this is a source initiated


isilon_env_params (IsilonEnvParams): This is applicable if target

entity is of kIsilon type.

mount_disks_on_vm (bool): Whether this will attach disks or mount

disks on the VM side OR use Storage Proxy RPCs to stream data.

nas_backup_params (NasBackupParams): Used to determining

filtering_policy for NAS Migration uptier operation. Currently this is set only if this is NAS Migration uptier operation.

nas_protocol_type_vec (list of int): The NAS protocol type(s) of this

restore task. Currently we only support a single restore type. This field is only populated for NAS restore tasks.

objectstore_config_name (string): Object store config name for source

initiated backup.

physical_flr_parallel_restore (bool): If enabled, magneto physical

file restore will be enabled via job framework

proxy_entity (EntityProto): Specifies the attributes and the latest

statistics about an entity.

proxy_entity_parent_source (EntityProto): Specifies the attributes and

the latest statistics about an entity.

restore_files_preferences (RestoreFilesPreferences): This message

captures preferences from the user while restoring the files on the target.

restore_method (int): Determines the type of method to be used to

perform FLR.

restored_file_info_vec (list of RestoredFileInfo): Information

regarding files and directories.

s3_viewbackupproperties (S3ViewBackupProperties): This message

captures all the details of S3 view from where the data is restored.

source_snapshot_name (string): Snapshot name need by source to start

the restore.

target_entity (EntityProto): Specifies the attributes and the latest

statistics about an entity.

target_entity_credentials (Credentials): Specifies credentials to

access a target source.

target_entity_parent_source (EntityProto): Specifies the attributes

and the latest statistics about an entity.

target_host_entity (EntityProto): Specifies the attributes and the

latest statistics about an entity.

target_host_type (int): The host environment type. This is set in

VMware environment to indicate the OS type of the target entity. NOTE: This is expected to be set since magneto does not know the host type for VMware entities.

uptier_params (FileUptieringParams): Set if this is NAS Migration

uptier operation.

use_existing_agent (bool): Whether this will use an existing agent on

the target VM to do the restore. This field is deprecated. restore_method should be used for populating use of existing agent.

view_id (long|int): View ID view_name (string): Name of the S3 view vpc_connector_entity (EntityProto): Specifies the attributes and the

latest statistics about an entity.

whitelisted_ip_addrs (list of string): A list of target IP addresses

that should be used exclusively.

classmethod from_dictionary(dictionary)[source]

Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary


dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as obtained from the deserialization of the server’s response. The keys MUST match property names in the API description.


object: An instance of this structure class.