models.tier_type_google_cloud_credentials_enum module

class models.tier_type_google_cloud_credentials_enum.TierTypeGoogleCloudCredentialsEnum[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of the ‘TierType_GoogleCloudCredentials’ enum.

Specifies the storage class of GCP. GoogleTierType specifies the storage class for Google. ‘kGoogleStandard’ indicates a tier type of Google properties. ‘kGoogleNearline’ indicates a tier type of Google properties that is not accessed frequently. ‘kGoogleColdline’ indicates a tier type of Google properties that is rarely accessed. ‘kGoogleRegional’ indicates a tier type of Google properties that stores frequently accessed data in the same region. ‘kGoogleMultiRegional’ indicates a tier type of Google properties that is frequently accessed (“hot” objects) around the world.


KGOOGLESTANDARD: TODO: type description here. KGOOGLENEARLINE: TODO: type description here. KGOOGLECOLDLINE: TODO: type description here. KGOOGLEREGIONAL: TODO: type description here. KGOOGLEMULTIREGIONAL: TODO: type description here.

KGOOGLECOLDLINE = 'kGoogleColdline'
KGOOGLENEARLINE = 'kGoogleNearline'
KGOOGLEREGIONAL = 'kGoogleRegional'
KGOOGLESTANDARD = 'kGoogleStandard'