models.status_copy_run_enum module

class models.status_copy_run_enum.StatusCopyRunEnum[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of the ‘Status_CopyRun’ enum.

Specifies the aggregated status of copy tasks such as ‘kRunning’, ‘kSuccess’, ‘kFailure’ etc. ‘kAccepted’ indicates the task is queued to run but not yet running. ‘kRunning’ indicates the task is running. ‘kCanceling’ indicates a request to cancel the task has occurred but the task is not yet canceled. ‘kCanceled’ indicates the task has been canceled. ‘kSuccess’ indicates the task was successful. ‘kFailure’ indicates the task failed. ‘kWarning’ indicates the task has finished with warning. ‘kOnHold’ indicates the task is kept onHold. ‘kMissed’ indicates the task is missed.


KACCEPTED: TODO: type description here. KRUNNING: TODO: type description here. KCANCELING: TODO: type description here. KCANCELED: TODO: type description here. KSUCCESS: TODO: type description here. KFAILURE: TODO: type description here. KWARNING: TODO: type description here. KONHOLD: TODO: type description here. KMISSED: TODO: type description here.

KACCEPTED = 'kAccepted'
KCANCELED = 'kCanceled'
KCANCELING = 'kCanceling'
KFAILURE = 'kFailure'
KMISSED = 'kMissed'
KONHOLD = 'kOnHold'
KRUNNING = 'kRunning'
KSUCCESS = 'kSuccess'
KWARNING = 'kWarning'