models_v2.archival_run_status_1_enum module

class models_v2.archival_run_status_1_enum.ArchivalRunStatus1Enum[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of the ‘archivalRunStatus1’ enum.

TODO: type enum description here.


ACCEPTED: TODO: type description here. RUNNING: TODO: type description here. CANCELED: TODO: type description here. CANCELING: TODO: type description here. FAILED: TODO: type description here. MISSED: TODO: type description here. SUCCEEDED: TODO: type description here. SUCCEEDEDWITHWARNING: TODO: type description here. ONHOLD: TODO: type description here.

ACCEPTED = 'Accepted'
CANCELED = 'Canceled'
CANCELING = 'Canceling'
FAILED = 'Failed'
MISSED = 'Missed'
ONHOLD = 'OnHold'
RUNNING = 'Running'
SUCCEEDED = 'Succeeded'