models.qos_tier_app_instance_settings_enum module

class models.qos_tier_app_instance_settings_enum.QosTierAppInstanceSettingsEnum[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of the ‘QosTier_AppInstanceSettings’ enum.

Specifies QoSTier of the app instance. Specifies QoS Tier for an app instance. App instances are allocated resources such as memory, CPU and IO based on their QoS Tier. kLow - Low QoS Tier. kMedium - Medium QoS Tier. kHigh - High QoS Tier. kMax - Max QoS Tier.


KLOW: TODO: type description here. KMEDIUM: TODO: type description here. KHIGH: TODO: type description here. KMAX: TODO: type description here.

KHIGH = 'kHigh'
KLOW = 'kLow'
KMAX = 'kMax'
KMEDIUM = 'kMedium'