models.restore_task module

class models.restore_task.RestoreTask(name=None, acropolis_parameters=None, application_parameters=None, archive_task_uid=None, archive_task_uids=None, can_tear_down=None, clone_view_parameters=None, continue_on_error=None, datastore_id=None, deploy_vms_to_cloud=None, end_time_usecs=None, error=None, full_view_name=None, hyperv_parameters=None, id=None, mount_volumes_state=None, new_parent_id=None, objects=None, one_drive_parameters=None, outlook_parameters=None, public_folders_parameters=None, restore_object_state=None, share_point_parameters=None, start_time_usecs=None, status=None, target_view_created=None, tear_down_error_message=None, tear_down_status=None, mtype=None, username=None, view_box_id=None, virtual_disk_restore_state=None, vlan_parameters=None, vmware_parameters=None)[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of the ‘RestoreTask’ model.

Specifies information about a Restore Task.

acropolis_parameters (AcropolisRestoreParameters): This field defines

the Acropolis specific params for restore tasks of type kRecoverVMs.

application_parameters (ApplicationRestoreParameters): Specifies the

information regarding the application restore parameters.

archive_task_uid (UniversalId): Specifies the uid of the Restore Task

that retrieves objects from an archive. This field is only populated when objects must be retrieved from an archive before being restored. This field is deprecated. deprecated:true

archive_task_uids (list of UniversalId): Specifies the uids of the

Restore Task that retrieves objects from an archive. This field is only populated when objects must be retrieved from an archive before being restored. overrideDescription:true

can_tear_down (bool): Specifies whether it is possible to tear down

the objects created by the recovery.

clone_view_parameters (UpdateViewParam): Specifies the View settings

used when cloning a View.

continue_on_error (bool): Specifies if the Restore Task should

continue when some operations on some objects fail. If true, the Cohesity Cluster ignores intermittent errors and restores as many objects as possible.

datastore_id (long|int): Specifies the datastore where the object’s

files are recovered to. This field is populated when objects are recovered to a different resource pool or to a different parent source. This field is not populated when objects are recovered to their original datastore locations in the original parent source.

deploy_vms_to_cloud (DeployVmsToCloud): Specifies the details about

deploying vms to specific clouds where backup may be stored and converted.

end_time_usecs (long|int): Specifies the end time of the Restore Task

as a Unix epoch Timestamp (in microseconds). This field is only populated if the Restore Task completes.

error (RequestError): Specifies the error reported by the Restore Task

(if any) after the Task has finished.

full_view_name (string): Specifies the full name of a View. hyperv_parameters (HypervRestoreParameters): Specifies information

needed when restoring VMs in HyperV enviroment. This field defines the HyperV specific params for restore tasks of type kRecoverVMs.

id (long|int): Specifies the id of the Restore Task assigned by

Cohesity Cluster.

mount_volumes_state (MountVolumesState): Specifies the states of

mounting all the volumes onto a mount target for a ‘kRecoverVMs’ Restore Task.

name (string, required ): Specifies the name of the Restore Task. This

field must be set and must be a unique name.

new_parent_id (long|int): Specify a new registered parent Protection

Source. If specified the selected objects are cloned or recovered to this new Protection Source. If not specified, objects are cloned or recovered to the original Protection Source that was managing them.

objects (list of RestoreObjectDetails): Array of Objects. Specifies a

list of Protection Source objects or Protection Job objects (with specified Protection Source objects).

one_drive_parameters (OneDriveRestoreParameters): Specifies

information needed for recovering Drive(s) & Drive items.

outlook_parameters (OutlookRestoreParameters): Specifies information

needed for recovering Mailboxes in O365Outlook environment.

public_folders_parameters (PublicFoldersRestoreParameters): Specifies

additional parameters for ‘kRecoverO365PublicFolders’ restore task.

restore_object_state (list of RestoreObjectState): Array of Object

States. Specifies the states of all the objects for the ‘kRecoverVMs’ and ‘kCloneVMs’ Restore Tasks.

share_point_parameters (SharePointRestoreParameters): Specifies

additional parameters for ‘kRecoverSites’ restore task.

start_time_usecs (long|int): Specifies the start time for the Restore

Task as a Unix epoch Timestamp (in microseconds).

status (StatusRestoreTaskEnum): Specifies the overall status of the

Restore Task. ‘kReadyToSchedule’ indicates the Restore Task is waiting to be scheduled. ‘kProgressMonitorCreated’ indicates the progress monitor for the Restore Task has been created. ‘kRetrievedFromArchive’ indicates that the objects to restore have been retrieved from the specified archive. A Task will only ever transition to this state if a retrieval is necessary. ‘kAdmitted’ indicates the task has been admitted. After a task has been admitted, its status does not move back to ‘kReadyToSchedule’ state even if it is rescheduled. ‘kInProgress’ indicates that the Restore Task is in progress. ‘kFinishingProgressMonitor’ indicates that the Restore Task is finishing its progress monitoring. ‘kFinished’ indicates that the Restore Task has finished. The status indicating success or failure is found in the error code that is stored with the Restore Task. ‘kInternalViewCreated’ indicates that internal view for the task has been created. ‘kZipFileRequested’ indicates that request has been sent to create zip files for the files to be downloaded. This state is only going to be present for kDownloadFiles Task. ‘kCancelled’ indicates that task or jb has been cancelled.

target_view_created (bool): Is true if a new View was created by a

‘kCloneVMs’ Restore Task. This field is only set for a ‘kCloneVMs’ Restore Task.

tear_down_error_message (string): Specifies the error message about

the tear down operation if it fails.

tear_down_status (TearDownStatusEnum): Specifies the status of the

tear down operation. This is only set when the field ‘CanTearDown’ is set to true. ‘kReadyToSchedule’ indicates that the task is waiting to be scheduled. ‘kAdmitted’ indicates that the task has been admitted. ‘kFinished’ indicates that the task is finished with or without error.

mtype (TypeRestoreTaskEnum): Specifies the type of Restore Task.

‘kRecoverVMs’ specifies a Restore Task that recovers VMs. ‘kCloneVMs’ specifies a Restore Task that clones VMs. ‘kCloneView’ specifies a Restore Task that clones a View. ‘kMountVolumes’ specifies a Restore Task that mounts volumes. ‘kRestoreFiles’ specifies a Restore Task that recovers files and folders. ‘kRecoverApp’ specifies a Restore Task that recovers app. ‘kCloneApp’ specifies a Restore Task that clone app. ‘kRecoverSanVolume’ specifies a Restore Task that recovers SAN volumes. ‘kConvertAndDeployVMs’ specifies a Restore Task that converts and deploy VMs to a target environment. ‘kMountFileVolume’ specifies a Restore Task that mounts a file volume. ‘kSystem’ specifies a Restore Task that recovers a system. ‘kRecoverVolumes’ specifies a Restore Task that recovers volumes via the physical agent. ‘kDeployVolumes’ specifies a Restore Task that deployes volumes to a target environment. ‘kDownloadFiles’ specifies a Restore Task that downloads the requested files and folders in zip format. ‘kRecoverEmails’ specifies a Restore Task that recovers the mailbox/email items. ‘kConvertToPst’ specifies a PST conversion task for selected mailbox/email items. ‘kRecoverDisks’ specifies a Restore Task that recovers the virtual disks. ‘kRecoverNamespaces’ specifies a Restore Task that recovers Kubernetes namespaces. ‘kCloneVMsToView’ specifies a Restore Task that clones VMs into a View.

username (string): Specifies the Cohesity user who requested this

Restore Task.

view_box_id (long|int): Specifies the id of the Domain (View Box)

where the View is stored.

virtual_disk_restore_state (VirtualDiskRecoverTaskState): Specifies

the complete information about a recover virtual disk task state.

vlan_parameters (VlanParameters): Specifies VLAN parameters for the

restore operation.

vmware_parameters (VmwareRestoreParameters): Specifies the information

required for recovering or cloning VmWare VMs.

classmethod from_dictionary(dictionary)[source]

Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary


dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as obtained from the deserialization of the server’s response. The keys MUST match property names in the API description.


object: An instance of this structure class.