models.recover_task_request module¶
(name=None, mtype=None, public_folders_parameters=None, acropolis_parameters=None, continue_on_error=None, deploy_vms_to_cloud=None, glacier_retrieval_type=None, hyperv_parameters=None, kubernetes_parameters=None, mount_parameters=None, new_parent_id=None, objects=None, one_drive_parameters=None, outlook_parameters=None, restore_view_parameters=None, share_point_parameters=None, view_name=None, virtual_disk_restore_parameters=None, vlan_parameters=None, vmware_parameters=None)[source]¶ Bases:
Implementation of the ‘RecoverTaskRequest’ model.
Create a Restore Task Request for recovering VMs or mounting volumes to mount points.
- Attributes:
- public_folders_parameters (PublicFoldersRestoreParameters): Specifies
additional parameters for ‘kRecoverO365PublicFolders’ restore objects.
- acropolis_parameters (AcropolisRestoreParameters): This field defines
the Acropolis specific params for restore tasks of type kRecoverVMs.
- continue_on_error (bool): Specifies if the Restore Task should
continue when some operations on some objects fail. If true, the Cohesity Cluster ignores intermittent errors and restores as many objects as possible.
- deploy_vms_to_cloud (DeployVmsToCloud): Specifies the details about
deploying vms to specific clouds where backup may be stored and converted.
- glacier_retrieval_type (GlacierRetrievalTypeEnum): Specifies the way
data needs to be retrieved from the external target. This information will be filled in by Iris and Magneto will pass it along to the Icebox as it is to support bulk retrieval from Glacier. Specifies the type of Restore Task. ‘kStandard’ specifies retrievals that allow to access any of your archives within several hours. Standard retrievals typically complete within 3–5 hours.This is the default option for retrieval requests that do not specify the retrieval option. ‘kBulk’ specifies retrievals that are Glacier’s lowest-cost retrieval option, which can be use to retrieve large amounts, even petabytes, of data inexpensively in a day. Bulk retrieval typically complete within 5–12 hours. ‘kExpedited’ specifies retrievals that allows to quickly access your data when occasional urgent requests for a subset of archives are required. For all but the largest archives (250 MB+), data accessed using Expedited retrievals are typically made available within 1–5 minutes.
- hyperv_parameters (HypervRestoreParameters): Specifies information
needed when restoring VMs in HyperV enviroment. This field defines the HyperV specific params for restore tasks of type kRecoverVMs.
- kubernetes_parameters (KubernetesRestoreParameters): Specifies the
information required for recovering kubernetes entities.
- mount_parameters (MountVolumesParameters): Specifies the information
required for mounting volumes. Only required for Restore Tasks of type ‘kMountVolumes’. At a minimum, the targetSourceId must be specified for ‘kMountVolumes’ Restore Tasks. If only targetSourceId is specified, all disks are attached but may not be mounted. The mount target must be registered on the Cohesity Cluster. If the mount target is a VM, VMware Tools must be installed. If the mount target is a physical server, a Cohesity Agent must be be installed. See the Cohesity Dashboard help documentation for details. In the username and password fields, specify the credentials to access the mount target.
- name (string): Specifies the name of the Restore Task. This field must
be set and must be a unique name.
- new_parent_id (long|int): Specify a new registered parent Protection
Source. If specified the selected objects are cloned or recovered to this new Protection Source. If not specified, objects are cloned or recovered to the original Protection Source that was managing them.
- objects (list of RestoreObjectDetails): Array of Objects. Specifies a
list of Protection Source objects or Protection Job objects (with specified Protection Source objects).
- one_drive_parameters (OneDriveRestoreParameters): Specifies
information needed for recovering Drive(s) & Drive items.
- outlook_parameters (OutlookRestoreParameters): Specifies information
needed for recovering Mailboxes in O365Outlook environment.
- restore_view_parameters (UpdateViewParam): Specifies the settings that
define a View.
- share_point_parameters (SharePointRestoreParameters): Specifies
additional parameters for ‘kRecoverSites’ restore objects.
- mtype (TypeRecoverTaskRequestEnum): Specifies the type of Restore Task
such as ‘kRecoverVMs’ or ‘kMountVolumes’. ‘kRecoverVMs’ specifies a Restore Task that recovers VMs. ‘kMountVolumes’ specifies a Restore Task that mounts volumes to mount points. ‘kRecoverNamespaces’ specifies a Restore Task that recovers Kubernetes namespaces. ‘kMountFileVolume’ specifies a Restore Task that mounts a file volume.
- view_name (string): Specifie target view into which the objects are to
be cloned when doing recovery for NAS.
- virtual_disk_restore_parameters (VirtualDiskRestoreParameters):
Specifies the parameters to recover virtual disks of a vm.
- vlan_parameters (VlanParameters): Specifies VLAN parameters for the
restore operation.
- vmware_parameters (VmwareRestoreParameters): Specifies the information
required for recovering or cloning VmWare VMs.
(dictionary)[source]¶ Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary
- Args:
dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as obtained from the deserialization of the server’s response. The keys MUST match property names in the API description.
- Returns:
object: An instance of this structure class.