models.hyperv_type_enum module

class models.hyperv_type_enum.HypervTypeEnum[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of the ‘HyperVType’ enum.

Specifies the entity type if the environment is kHyperV. overrideDescription: true Specifies the type of an HyperV Protection Source. ‘kSCVMMServer’ indicates a collection of root folders clusters. ‘kStandaloneHost’ indicates a single Nutanix cluster. ‘kStandaloneCluster’ indicates a single Nutanix cluster. ‘kHostGroup’ indicates a Nutanix cluster manageed by a Prism Central. ‘kHypervHost’ indicates an HyperV host. ‘kHostCluster’ indicates a Nutanix cluster manageed by a Prism Central. ‘kVirtualMachine’ indicates a Virtual Machine. ‘kNetwork’ indicates a Virtual Machine network object. ‘kDatastore’ represents a storage container object. ‘kTag’ indicates a tag type object. ‘kCustomProperty’ indciates a custom property including tag type.


KSCVMMSERVER: TODO: type description here. KSTANDALONEHOST: TODO: type description here. KSTANDALONECLUSTER: TODO: type description here. KHOSTGROUP: TODO: type description here. KHYPERVHOST: TODO: type description here. KHOSTCLUSTER: TODO: type description here. KVIRTUALMACHINE: TODO: type description here. KNETWORK: TODO: type description here. KDATASTORE: TODO: type description here. KTAG: TODO: type description here. KCUSTOMPROPERTY: TODO: type description here.

KCUSTOMPROPERTY = 'kCustomProperty'
KDATASTORE = 'kDatastore'
KHOSTCLUSTER = 'kHostCluster'
KHOSTGROUP = 'kHostGroup'
KNETWORK = 'kNetwork'
KSTANDALONECLUSTER = 'kStandaloneCluster'
KSTANDALONEHOST = 'kStandaloneHost'
KTAG = 'kTag'
KVIRTUALMACHINE = 'kVirtualMachine'
K_HYPERV_HOST = 'kHypervHost'