Source code for models_v2.recovery_action_14_enum

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

[docs]class RecoveryAction14Enum(object): """Implementation of the 'recoveryAction14' enum. TODO: type enum description here. Attributes: RECOVERVMS: TODO: type description here. RECOVERFILES: TODO: type description here. INSTANTVOLUMEMOUNT: TODO: type description here. RECOVERVMDISKS: TODO: type description here. RECOVERVAPPS: TODO: type description here. RECOVERVAPPTEMPLATES: TODO: type description here. RECOVERRDS: TODO: type description here. RECOVERAPPS: TODO: type description here. RECOVERNASVOLUME: TODO: type description here. RECOVERPHYSICALVOLUMES: TODO: type description here. RECOVERSYSTEM: TODO: type description here. CLONEAPPVIEW: TODO: type description here. RECOVERSANVOLUMES: TODO: type description here. RECOVERMAILBOX: TODO: type description here. RECOVERONEDRIVE: TODO: type description here. RECOVERSHAREPOINT: TODO: type description here. RECOVERPUBLICFOLDERS: TODO: type description here. RECOVERNAMESPACES: TODO: type description here. RECOVEROBJECTS: TODO: type description here. DOWNLOADFILESANDFOLDERS: TODO: type description here. """ RECOVERVMS = 'RecoverVMs' RECOVERFILES = 'RecoverFiles' INSTANTVOLUMEMOUNT = 'InstantVolumeMount' RECOVERVMDISKS = 'RecoverVmDisks' RECOVERVAPPS = 'RecoverVApps' RECOVERVAPPTEMPLATES = 'RecoverVAppTemplates' RECOVERRDS = 'RecoverRDS' RECOVERAPPS = 'RecoverApps' RECOVERNASVOLUME = 'RecoverNasVolume' RECOVERPHYSICALVOLUMES = 'RecoverPhysicalVolumes' RECOVERSYSTEM = 'RecoverSystem' CLONEAPPVIEW = 'CloneAppView' RECOVERSANVOLUMES = 'RecoverSanVolumes' RECOVERMAILBOX = 'RecoverMailbox' RECOVERONEDRIVE = 'RecoverOneDrive' RECOVERSHAREPOINT = 'RecoverSharePoint' RECOVERPUBLICFOLDERS = 'RecoverPublicFolders' RECOVERNAMESPACES = 'RecoverNamespaces' RECOVEROBJECTS = 'RecoverObjects' DOWNLOADFILESANDFOLDERS = 'DownloadFilesAndFolders'