Source code for models_v2.gcp_object_type_enum

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[docs]class GcpObjectTypeEnum(object): """Implementation of the 'gcpObjectType' enum. TODO: type enum description here. Attributes: KIAMUSER: TODO: type description here. KPROJECT: TODO: type description here. KREGION: TODO: type description here. KAVAILABILITYZONE: TODO: type description here. KVIRTUALMACHINE: TODO: type description here. KVPC: TODO: type description here. KSUBNET: TODO: type description here. KNETWORKSECURITYGROUP: TODO: type description here. KINSTANCETYPE: TODO: type description here. KLABEL: TODO: type description here. KMETADATA: TODO: type description here. KTAG: TODO: type description here. KVPCCONNECTOR: TODO: type description here. """ KIAMUSER = 'kIAMUser' KPROJECT = 'kProject' KREGION = 'kRegion' KAVAILABILITYZONE = 'kAvailabilityZone' KVIRTUALMACHINE = 'kVirtualMachine' KVPC = 'kVPC' KSUBNET = 'kSubnet' KNETWORKSECURITYGROUP = 'kNetworkSecurityGroup' KINSTANCETYPE = 'kInstanceType' KLABEL = 'kLabel' KMETADATA = 'kMetadata' KTAG = 'kTag' KVPCCONNECTOR = 'kVPCConnector'