Source code for models_v2.entity_types_2_enum

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[docs]class EntityTypes2Enum(object): """Implementation of the 'entityTypes2' enum. TODO: type enum description here. Attributes: CLUSTERPARTITION: TODO: type description here. STORAGEDOMAIN: TODO: type description here. VIEW: TODO: type description here. SHARE: TODO: type description here. NODE: TODO: type description here. DISK: TODO: type description here. CLUSTER: TODO: type description here. VLAN: TODO: type description here. USER: TODO: type description here. APIKEY: TODO: type description here. CHASSIS: TODO: type description here. SSLCERTIFICATE: TODO: type description here. PROTECTIONGROUP: TODO: type description here. SOURCE: TODO: type description here. RECOVERYTASK: TODO: type description here. SMTPSERVER: TODO: type description here. ENCRYPTIONKEY: TODO: type description here. PROTECTIONPOLICY: TODO: type description here. ALERT: TODO: type description here. RESOLUTION: TODO: type description here. ALERTNOTIFICATIONRULE: TODO: type description here. VAULT: TODO: type description here. REMOTECLUSTER: TODO: type description here. ACTIVEDIRECTORY: TODO: type description here. LDAP: TODO: type description here. ANTIVIRUSSERVICEGROUP: TODO: type description here. INFECTEDFILE: TODO: type description here. PREFERREDDOMAINCONTROLLER: TODO: type description here. GROUP: TODO: type description here. ROLE: TODO: type description here. PROTECTIONRUN: TODO: type description here. SEARCHJOB: TODO: type description here. PHYSICALAGENT: TODO: type description here. CLONETASK: TODO: type description here. CLONEREFRESHTASK: TODO: type description here. NETWORK: TODO: type description here. INTERFACE: TODO: type description here. NETWORKINERFACEGROUP: TODO: type description here. SCHEDULER: TODO: type description here. PROXYSERVER: TODO: type description here. STATICROUTE: TODO: type description here. IP: TODO: type description here. QOS: TODO: type description here. KMSCONFIGURATION: TODO: type description here. CLOUDSPIN: TODO: type description here. TENANT: TODO: type description here. IDPCONFIGURATION: TODO: type description here. APP: TODO: type description here. HELIOSEVENT: TODO: type description here. OBJECT: TODO: type description here. CLUSTERSERVICES: TODO: type description here. ACCESSTOKEN: TODO: type description here. SNMPCONFIG: TODO: type description here. IOTIER: TODO: type description here. SERVICEFLAG: TODO: type description here. SUPPORTSERVER: TODO: type description here. CSR: TODO: type description here. KEYSTONE: TODO: type description here. SWIFTROLES: TODO: type description here. TAGS: TODO: type description here. NIS: TODO: type description here. SNAPSHOT: TODO: type description here. HYBRIDEXTENDER: TODO: type description here. """ CLUSTERPARTITION = 'ClusterPartition' STORAGEDOMAIN = 'StorageDomain' VIEW = 'View' SHARE = 'Share' NODE = 'Node' DISK = 'Disk' CLUSTER = 'Cluster' VLAN = 'Vlan' USER = 'User' APIKEY = 'ApiKey' CHASSIS = 'Chassis' SSLCERTIFICATE = 'SslCertificate' PROTECTIONGROUP = 'ProtectionGroup' SOURCE = 'Source' RECOVERYTASK = 'RecoveryTask' SMTPSERVER = 'SmtpServer' ENCRYPTIONKEY = 'EncryptionKey' PROTECTIONPOLICY = 'ProtectionPolicy' ALERT = 'Alert' RESOLUTION = 'Resolution' ALERTNOTIFICATIONRULE = 'AlertNotificationRule' VAULT = 'Vault' REMOTECLUSTER = 'RemoteCluster' ACTIVEDIRECTORY = 'ActiveDirectory' LDAP = 'Ldap' ANTIVIRUSSERVICEGROUP = 'AntivirusServiceGroup' INFECTEDFILE = 'InfectedFile' PREFERREDDOMAINCONTROLLER = 'PreferredDomainController' GROUP = 'Group' ROLE = 'Role' PROTECTIONRUN = 'ProtectionRun' SEARCHJOB = 'SearchJob' PHYSICALAGENT = 'PhysicalAgent' CLONETASK = 'CloneTask' CLONEREFRESHTASK = 'CloneRefreshTask' NETWORK = 'Network' INTERFACE = 'Interface' NETWORKINERFACEGROUP = 'NetworkInerfaceGroup' SCHEDULER = 'Scheduler' PROXYSERVER = 'ProxyServer' STATICROUTE = 'StaticRoute' IP = 'Ip' QOS = 'Qos' KMSCONFIGURATION = 'KmsConfiguration' CLOUDSPIN = 'CloudSpin' TENANT = 'Tenant' IDPCONFIGURATION = 'IdpConfiguration' APP = 'App' HELIOSEVENT = 'HeliosEvent' OBJECT = 'Object' CLUSTERSERVICES = 'ClusterServices' ACCESSTOKEN = 'AccessToken' SNMPCONFIG = 'SnmpConfig' IOTIER = 'IoTier' SERVICEFLAG = 'ServiceFlag' SUPPORTSERVER = 'SupportServer' CSR = 'Csr' KEYSTONE = 'Keystone' SWIFTROLES = 'SwiftRoles' TAGS = 'Tags' NIS = 'Nis' SNAPSHOT = 'Snapshot' HYBRIDEXTENDER = 'HybridExtender'