Source code for models_v2.common_recovery_response_params

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.tenant
import cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.creation_info

[docs]class CommonRecoveryResponseParams(object): """Implementation of the 'Common Recovery Response Params.' model. Specifies the common response parameters to create a Recovery Attributes: id (string): Specifies the id of the Recovery. name (string): Specifies the name of the Recovery. start_time_usecs (long|int): Specifies the start time of the Recovery in Unix timestamp epoch in microseconds. end_time_usecs (long|int): Specifies the end time of the Recovery in Unix timestamp epoch in microseconds. This field will be populated only after Recovery is finished. status (Status6Enum): Status of the Recovery. 'Running' indicates that the Recovery is still running. 'Canceled' indicates that the Recovery has been cancelled. 'Canceling' indicates that the Recovery is in the process of being cancelled. 'Failed' indicates that the Recovery has failed. 'Succeeded' indicates that the Recovery has finished successfully. 'SucceededWithWarning' indicates that the Recovery finished successfully, but there were some warning messages. progress_task_id (string): Progress monitor task id for Recovery. snapshot_environment (SnapshotEnvironment1Enum): Specifies the type of snapshot environment for which the Recovery was performed. recovery_action (RecoveryActionEnum): Specifies the type of recover action. permissions (list of Tenant): Specifies the list of tenants that have permissions for this recovery. creation_info (CreationInfo): Specifies the information about the creation of the protection group or recovery. can_tear_down (bool): Specifies whether it's possible to tear down the objects created by the recovery. tear_down_status (TearDownStatus3Enum): Specifies the status of the tear down operation. This is only set when the canTearDown is set to true. 'DestroyScheduled' indicates that the tear down is ready to schedule. 'Destroying' indicates that the tear down is still running. 'Destroyed' indicates that the tear down succeeded. 'DestroyError' indicates that the tear down failed. tear_down_message (string): Specifies the error message about the tear down operation if it fails. messages (list of string): Specifies messages about the recovery. """ # Create a mapping from Model property names to API property names _names = { "id":'id', "name":'name', "start_time_usecs":'startTimeUsecs', "end_time_usecs":'endTimeUsecs', "status":'status', "progress_task_id":'progressTaskId', "snapshot_environment":'snapshotEnvironment', "recovery_action":'recoveryAction', "permissions":'permissions', "creation_info":'creationInfo', "can_tear_down":'canTearDown', "tear_down_status":'tearDownStatus', "tear_down_message":'tearDownMessage', "messages":'messages' } def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, start_time_usecs=None, end_time_usecs=None, status=None, progress_task_id=None, snapshot_environment=None, recovery_action=None, permissions=None, creation_info=None, can_tear_down=None, tear_down_status=None, tear_down_message=None, messages=None): """Constructor for the CommonRecoveryResponseParams class""" # Initialize members of the class = id = name self.start_time_usecs = start_time_usecs self.end_time_usecs = end_time_usecs self.status = status self.progress_task_id = progress_task_id self.snapshot_environment = snapshot_environment self.recovery_action = recovery_action self.permissions = permissions self.creation_info = creation_info self.can_tear_down = can_tear_down self.tear_down_status = tear_down_status self.tear_down_message = tear_down_message self.messages = messages
[docs] @classmethod def from_dictionary(cls, dictionary): """Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary Args: dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as obtained from the deserialization of the server's response. The keys MUST match property names in the API description. Returns: object: An instance of this structure class. """ if dictionary is None: return None # Extract variables from the dictionary id = dictionary.get('id') name = dictionary.get('name') start_time_usecs = dictionary.get('startTimeUsecs') end_time_usecs = dictionary.get('endTimeUsecs') status = dictionary.get('status') progress_task_id = dictionary.get('progressTaskId') snapshot_environment = dictionary.get('snapshotEnvironment') recovery_action = dictionary.get('recoveryAction') permissions = None if dictionary.get('permissions') != None: permissions = list() for structure in dictionary.get('permissions'): permissions.append(cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.tenant.Tenant.from_dictionary(structure)) creation_info = cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.creation_info.CreationInfo.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('creationInfo')) if dictionary.get('creationInfo') else None can_tear_down = dictionary.get('canTearDown') tear_down_status = dictionary.get('tearDownStatus') tear_down_message = dictionary.get('tearDownMessage') messages = dictionary.get('messages') # Return an object of this model return cls(id, name, start_time_usecs, end_time_usecs, status, progress_task_id, snapshot_environment, recovery_action, permissions, creation_info, can_tear_down, tear_down_status, tear_down_message, messages)