Source code for models_v2.common_protection_group_request_params

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import cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.time_of_day
import cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.protection_group_alerting_policy
import cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.sla_rule

[docs]class CommonProtectionGroupRequestParams(object): """Implementation of the 'CommonProtectionGroupRequestParams' model. Specifies the parameters which are common between all Protection Group requests. Attributes: name (string): Specifies the name of the Protection Group. policy_id (string): Specifies the unique id of the Protection Policy associated with the Protection Group. The Policy provides retry settings Protection Schedules, Priority, SLA, etc. priority (PriorityEnum): Specifies the priority of the Protection Group. storage_domain_id (long|int): Specifies the Storage Domain (View Box) ID where this Protection Group writes data. description (string): Specifies a description of the Protection Group. start_time (TimeOfDay): Specifies the time of day. Used for scheduling purposes. end_time_usecs (long|int): Specifies the end time in micro seconds for this Protection Group. If this is not specified, the Protection Group won't be ended. alert_policy (ProtectionGroupAlertingPolicy): Specifies a policy for alerting users of the status of a Protection Group. sla (list of SlaRule): Specifies the SLA parameters for this Protection Group. qos_policy (QosPolicy1Enum): Specifies whether the Protection Group will be written to HDD or SSD. abort_in_blackouts (bool): Specifies whether currently executing jobs should abort if a blackout period specified by a policy starts. Available only if the selected policy has at least one blackout period. Default value is false. environment (Environment6Enum): Specifies the environment type of the Protection Group. is_paused (bool): Specifies if the the Protection Group is paused. New runs are not scheduled for the paused Protection Groups. Active run if any is not impacted. """ # Create a mapping from Model property names to API property names _names = { "name":'name', "policy_id":'policyId', "environment":'environment', "priority":'priority', "storage_domain_id":'storageDomainId', "description":'description', "start_time":'startTime', "end_time_usecs":'endTimeUsecs', "alert_policy":'alertPolicy', "sla":'sla', "qos_policy":'qosPolicy', "abort_in_blackouts":'abortInBlackouts', "is_paused":'isPaused' } def __init__(self, name=None, policy_id=None, environment=None, priority=None, storage_domain_id=None, description=None, start_time=None, end_time_usecs=None, alert_policy=None, sla=None, qos_policy=None, abort_in_blackouts=None, is_paused=None): """Constructor for the CommonProtectionGroupRequestParams class""" # Initialize members of the class = name self.policy_id = policy_id self.priority = priority self.storage_domain_id = storage_domain_id self.description = description self.start_time = start_time self.end_time_usecs = end_time_usecs self.alert_policy = alert_policy self.sla = sla self.qos_policy = qos_policy self.abort_in_blackouts = abort_in_blackouts self.environment = environment self.is_paused = is_paused
[docs] @classmethod def from_dictionary(cls, dictionary): """Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary Args: dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as obtained from the deserialization of the server's response. The keys MUST match property names in the API description. Returns: object: An instance of this structure class. """ if dictionary is None: return None # Extract variables from the dictionary name = dictionary.get('name') policy_id = dictionary.get('policyId') environment = dictionary.get('environment') priority = dictionary.get('priority') storage_domain_id = dictionary.get('storageDomainId') description = dictionary.get('description') start_time = cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.time_of_day.TimeOfDay.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('startTime')) if dictionary.get('startTime') else None end_time_usecs = dictionary.get('endTimeUsecs') alert_policy = cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.protection_group_alerting_policy.ProtectionGroupAlertingPolicy.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('alertPolicy')) if dictionary.get('alertPolicy') else None sla = None if dictionary.get('sla') != None: sla = list() for structure in dictionary.get('sla'): sla.append(cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.sla_rule.SlaRule.from_dictionary(structure)) qos_policy = dictionary.get('qosPolicy') abort_in_blackouts = dictionary.get('abortInBlackouts') is_paused = dictionary.get('isPaused') # Return an object of this model return cls(name, policy_id, environment, priority, storage_domain_id, description, start_time, end_time_usecs, alert_policy, sla, qos_policy, abort_in_blackouts, is_paused)