Source code for models_v2.aws_object_type_enum

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

[docs]class AwsObjectTypeEnum(object): """Implementation of the 'awsObjectType' enum. TODO: type enum description here. Attributes: KIAMUSER: TODO: type description here. KREGION: TODO: type description here. KAVAILABILITYZONE: TODO: type description here. KEC2INSTANCE: TODO: type description here. KVPC: TODO: type description here. KSUBNET: TODO: type description here. KNETWORKSECURITYGROUP: TODO: type description here. KINSTANCETYPE: TODO: type description here. KKEYPAIR: TODO: type description here. KTAG: TODO: type description here. KRDSOPTIONGROUP: TODO: type description here. KRDSPARAMETERGROUP: TODO: type description here. KRDSINSTANCE: TODO: type description here. KRDSSUBNET: TODO: type description here. KRDSTAG: TODO: type description here. KACCOUNT: TODO: type description here. KSUBTASKPERMIT: TODO: type description here. """ KIAMUSER = 'kIAMUser' KREGION = 'kRegion' KAVAILABILITYZONE = 'kAvailabilityZone' KEC2INSTANCE = 'kEC2Instance' KVPC = 'kVPC' KSUBNET = 'kSubnet' KNETWORKSECURITYGROUP = 'kNetworkSecurityGroup' KINSTANCETYPE = 'kInstanceType' KKEYPAIR = 'kKeyPair' KTAG = 'kTag' KRDSOPTIONGROUP = 'kRDSOptionGroup' KRDSPARAMETERGROUP = 'kRDSParameterGroup' KRDSINSTANCE = 'kRDSInstance' KRDSSUBNET = 'kRDSSubnet' KRDSTAG = 'kRDSTag' KACCOUNT = 'kAccount' KSUBTASKPERMIT = 'kSubTaskPermit'