# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Cohesity Inc.
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.vault_config
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.vault_bandwidth_limits
[docs]class Vault(object):
"""Implementation of the 'Vault' model.
Specifies an external storage location and is equivalent to
an External Target in the Cohesity Dashboard.
A Vault can provide an additional Cloud Tier where cold data of the
Cohesity Cluster can be stored in the Cloud.
A Vault can also provide archive storage for backup data. This archive
is stored on Tapes and in Cloud Vaults.
ca_trusted_certificate (string): Specifies the CA (certificate
authority) trusted certificate.
client_certificate (string): Specifies the client CA certificate.
This certificate is in pem format.
client_private_key (string): Specifies the client private key. This
certificate is in pem format.
compression_policy (CompressionPolicyVaultEnum): Specifies whether to
send data to the Vault in a compressed format. 'kCompressionNone'
indicates that data is not compressed. 'kCompressionLow' indicates
that data is compressed using LZ4 or Snappy. 'kCompressionHigh'
indicates that data is compressed in Gzip.
config (VaultConfig): Specifies the settings required to connect to a
specific Vault type. For some Vaults, you must also specify a
storage location (bucketName).
customer_managing_encryption_keys (bool): Specifies whether to manage
the encryption key manually or let the Cohesity Cluster manage it.
If true, you must get the encryption key store it outside the
Cluster, before disaster strikes such as the source local Cohesity
Cluster being down. You can get the encryption key by downloading
it using the Cohesity Dashboard or by calling the GET
/public/vaults/encryptionKey/{id} operation.
dedup_enabled (bool): Specifies whether to deduplicate data before
sending it to the Vault.
delete_vault_error (string): Specifies the error message when deleting
a vault.
description (string): Specifies a description about the Vault.
desired_wal_location (DesiredWalLocationEnum): Desired location for
write ahead logs(wal). 'kHomePartition' indicates desired wal
location to be the home partition. 'kDisk' indicates desired wal
location to be the same disk as chunk repo. 'kScribe' indicates
desired wal location to be scribe. 'kScribeTable' indicates chunk
repository state is kept as key-value pairs in scribe.
encryption_key_file_downloaded (bool): Specifies if the encryption key
file has been downloaded using the Cohesity Dashboard (Cohesity
UI). If true, the encryption key has been downloaded using the
Cohesity Dashboard. An encryption key can only be downloaded once
using the Cohesity Dashboard.
encryption_policy (EncryptionPolicyVaultEnum): Specifies whether to
send and store data in an encrypted format. 'kEncryptionNone'
indicates the data is not encrypted. 'kEncryptionStrong' indicates
the data is encrypted.
external_target_type (ExternalTargetTypeEnum): Specifies the type of
Vault. 'kNearline' indicates a Google Nearline Vault. 'kGlacier'
indicates an AWS Glacier Vault. 'kS3' indicates an AWS S3 Vault.
'kAzureStandard' indicates a Microsoft Azure Standard Vault.
'kS3Compatible' indicates an S3 Compatible Vault. (See the online
help for supported types.) 'kQStarTape' indicates a QStar Tape
Vault. 'kGoogleStandard' indicates a Google Standard Vault.
'kGoogleDRA' indicates a Google DRA Vault. 'kAmazonS3StandardIA'
indicates an Amazon S3 Standard-IA Vault. 'kAWSGovCloud' indicates
an AWS Gov Cloud Vault. 'kNAS' indicates a NAS Vault. 'kColdline'
indicates a Google Coldline Vault. 'kAzureGovCloud' indicates a
Microsoft Azure Gov Cloud Vault. 'kAzureArchive' indicates an
Azure Archive Vault. 'kAzure' indicates an Azure Vault. 'kGoogle'
indicates a Google Vault. 'kAmazon' indicates an Amazon Vault.
'kOracle' indicates an Oracle Vault. 'kOracleTierStandard'
indicates an Oracle Tier Standard Vault. 'kOracleTierArchive'
indicates an Oracle Tier Archive Vault. 'kAmazonC2S' indicates an
Amazon Commercial Cloud Services Vault.
full_archive_interval_days (long|int): Specifies the number days
between full archives to the Vault. The current default is 90
days. This is only meaningful when incrementalArchivesEnabled is
true and the Vault usage type is kArchival.
id (long|int): Specifies an id that identifies the Vault.
incremental_archives_enabled (bool): Specifies whether to perform
incremental archival when sending data to the Vault. If false,
only full backups are performed. If true, incremental backups are
performed between the full backups.
is_password_encrypted (bool): Specifies if given password is not
encrypted or not in the cluster
key_file_download_time_usecs (long|int): Specifies the time (in
microseconds) when the encryption key file was downloaded from the
Cohesity Dashboard (Cohesity UI). An encryption key can only be
downloaded once using the Cohesity Dashboard.
key_file_download_user (string): Specifies the user who downloaded the
encryption key from the Cohesity Dashboard (Cohesity UI). This
field is only populated if encryption is enabled for the Vault and
customerManagingEncryptionKeys is true.
name (string): Specifies the name of the Vault.
removal_state (RemovalStateVaultEnum): Specifies the state of the
vault to be removed. 'kDontRemove' means the state of object is
functional and it is not being removed. 'kMarkedForRemoval' means
the object is being removed. 'kOkToRemove' means the object has
been removed on the Cohesity Cluster and if the object is
physical, it can be removed from the Cohesity Cluster.
mtype (TypeVaultEnum): Specifies the type of Vault. This field is
deprecated. This field is split into ExternalTargetType in and
TierType in respective credentials. Initialize those fields
instead. deprecated: true 'kNearline' indicates a Google Nearline
Vault. 'kGlacier' indicates an AWS Glacier Vault. 'kS3' indicates
an AWS S3 Vault. 'kAzureStandard' indicates a Microsoft Azure
Standard Vault. 'kS3Compatible' indicates an S3 Compatible Vault.
(See the online help for supported types.) 'kQStarTape' indicates
a QStar Tape Vault. 'kGoogleStandard' indicates a Google Standard
Vault. 'kGoogleDRA' indicates a Google DRA Vault.
'kAmazonS3StandardIA' indicates an Amazon S3 Standard-IA Vault.
'kAWSGovCloud' indicates an AWS Gov Cloud Vault. 'kNAS' indicates
a NAS Vault. 'kColdline' indicates a Google Coldline Vault.
'kAzureGovCloud' indicates a Microsoft Azure Gov Cloud Vault.
'kAzureArchive' indicates an Azure Archive Vault. 'kAzure'
indicates an Azure Vault. 'kGoogle' indicates a Google Vault.
'kAmazon' indicates an Amazon Vault. 'kOracle' indicates an Oracle
Vault. 'kOracleTierStandard' indicates an Oracle Tier Standard
Vault. 'kOracleTierArchive' indicates an Oracle Tier Archive
Vault. 'kAmazonC2S' indicates an Amazon Commercial Cloud Services
usage_type (UsageTypeEnum): Specifies the usage type of the Vault.
'kArchival' indicates the Vault provides archive storage for
backup data. 'kCloudSpill' indicates the Vault provides additional
storage for cold data.
vault_bandwidth_limits (VaultBandwidthLimits): VaultBandwidthLimits
represents the network bandwidth limits while
uploading/downloading data to/from the external media.
# Create a mapping from Model property names to API property names
_names = {
def __init__(self,
"""Constructor for the Vault class"""
# Initialize members of the class
self.ca_trusted_certificate = ca_trusted_certificate
self.client_certificate = client_certificate
self.client_private_key = client_private_key
self.compression_policy = compression_policy
self.config = config
self.customer_managing_encryption_keys = customer_managing_encryption_keys
self.dedup_enabled = dedup_enabled
self.delete_vault_error = delete_vault_error
self.description = description
self.desired_wal_location = desired_wal_location
self.encryption_key_file_downloaded = encryption_key_file_downloaded
self.encryption_policy = encryption_policy
self.external_target_type = external_target_type
self.full_archive_interval_days = full_archive_interval_days
self.id = id
self.incremental_archives_enabled = incremental_archives_enabled
self.is_password_encrypted = is_password_encrypted
self.key_file_download_time_usecs = key_file_download_time_usecs
self.key_file_download_user = key_file_download_user
self.name = name
self.removal_state = removal_state
self.mtype = mtype
self.usage_type = usage_type
self.vault_bandwidth_limits = vault_bandwidth_limits
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dictionary(cls,
"""Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary
dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as
obtained from the deserialization of the server's response. The keys
MUST match property names in the API description.
object: An instance of this structure class.
if dictionary is None:
return None
# Extract variables from the dictionary
ca_trusted_certificate = dictionary.get('caTrustedCertificate')
client_certificate = dictionary.get('clientCertificate')
client_private_key = dictionary.get('clientPrivateKey')
compression_policy = dictionary.get('compressionPolicy')
config = cohesity_management_sdk.models.vault_config.VaultConfig.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('config')) if dictionary.get('config') else None
customer_managing_encryption_keys = dictionary.get('customerManagingEncryptionKeys')
dedup_enabled = dictionary.get('dedupEnabled')
delete_vault_error = dictionary.get('deleteVaultError')
description = dictionary.get('description')
desired_wal_location = dictionary.get('desiredWalLocation')
encryption_key_file_downloaded = dictionary.get('encryptionKeyFileDownloaded')
encryption_policy = dictionary.get('encryptionPolicy')
external_target_type = dictionary.get('externalTargetType')
full_archive_interval_days = dictionary.get('fullArchiveIntervalDays')
id = dictionary.get('id')
incremental_archives_enabled = dictionary.get('incrementalArchivesEnabled')
is_password_encrypted = dictionary.get('isPasswordEncrypted')
key_file_download_time_usecs = dictionary.get('keyFileDownloadTimeUsecs')
key_file_download_user = dictionary.get('keyFileDownloadUser')
name = dictionary.get('name')
removal_state = dictionary.get('removalState')
mtype = dictionary.get('type')
usage_type = dictionary.get('usageType')
vault_bandwidth_limits = cohesity_management_sdk.models.vault_bandwidth_limits.VaultBandwidthLimits.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('vaultBandwidthLimits')) if dictionary.get('vaultBandwidthLimits') else None
# Return an object of this model
return cls(ca_trusted_certificate,