Source code for models.stopped_service_enum

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Cohesity Inc.

[docs]class StoppedServiceEnum(object): """Implementation of the 'StoppedService' enum. TODO: type enum description here. Attributes: KAPOLLO: TODO: type description here. KBRIDGE: TODO: type description here. KGENIE: TODO: type description here. KGENIEGOFER: TODO: type description here. KMAGNETO: TODO: type description here. KIRIS: TODO: type description here. KIRISPROXY: TODO: type description here. KSCRIBE: TODO: type description here. KSTATS: TODO: type description here. KYODA: TODO: type description here. KALERTS: TODO: type description here. KKEYCHAIN: TODO: type description here. KLOGWATCHER: TODO: type description here. KSTATSCOLLECTER: TODO: type description here. KGANDALF: TODO: type description here. KNEXUS: TODO: type description here. KNEXUSPROXY: TODO: type description here. KSTORAGEPROXY: TODO: type description here. KTRICORDER: TODO: type description here. KRTCLIENT: TODO: type description here. KVAULTPROXY: TODO: type description here. KSMBPROXY: TODO: type description here. KBRIDGEPROXY: TODO: type description here. KLIBRARIAN: TODO: type description here. KGROOT: TODO: type description here. KEAGLEAGENT: TODO: type description here. KATHENA: TODO: type description here. KBIFROSTBROKER: TODO: type description here. KSMB2PROXY: TODO: type description here. KOS: TODO: type description here. KATOM: TODO: type description here. KPATCH: TODO: type description here. KCOMPASS: TODO: type description here. """ KAPOLLO = 'kApollo' KBRIDGE = 'kBridge' KGENIE = 'kGenie' KGENIEGOFER = 'kGenieGofer' KMAGNETO = 'kMagneto' KIRIS = 'kIris' KIRISPROXY = 'kIrisProxy' KSCRIBE = 'kScribe' KSTATS = 'kStats' KYODA = 'kYoda' KALERTS = 'kAlerts' KKEYCHAIN = 'kKeychain' KLOGWATCHER = 'kLogWatcher' KSTATSCOLLECTER = 'kStatsCollecter' KGANDALF = 'kGandalf' KNEXUS = 'kNexus' KNEXUSPROXY = 'kNexusProxy' KSTORAGEPROXY = 'kStorageProxy' KTRICORDER = 'kTricorder' KRTCLIENT = 'kRtClient' KVAULTPROXY = 'kVaultProxy' KSMBPROXY = 'kSmbProxy' KBRIDGEPROXY = 'kBridgeProxy' KLIBRARIAN = 'kLibrarian' KGROOT = 'kGroot' KEAGLEAGENT = 'kEagleAgent' KATHENA = 'kAthena' KBIFROSTBROKER = 'kBifrostBroker' KSMB2PROXY = 'kSmb2Proxy' KOS = 'kOs' KATOM = 'kAtom' KPATCH = 'kPatch' KCOMPASS = 'kCompass'