# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Cohesity Inc.
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.data_lock_config
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.archival_external_target
[docs]class SnapshotArchivalCopyPolicy(object):
"""Implementation of the 'SnapshotArchivalCopyPolicy' model.
Specifies settings for copying Snapshots External Targets (such as AWS or
Tape). This also specifies the retention policy that should be applied to
Snapshots after they have been copied to the specified target.
id (string): Specified the Id for a snapshot copy policy. Thsi is
generated when the policy is created.
copy_partial (bool): Specifies if Snapshots are copied from the first
completely successful Job Run or the first partially successful
Job Run occurring at the start of the replication schedule. If
true, Snapshots are copied from the first Job Run occurring at the
start of the replication schedule, even if first Job Run was not
completely successful i.e. Snapshots were not captured for all
Objects in the Job. If false, Snapshots are copied from the first
Job Run occurring at the start of the replication schedule that
was completely successful i.e. Snapshots for all the Objects in
the Job were successfully captured.
datalock_config (DatalockConfig): Specifies WORM retention type for the
copy target snapshots. When a WORM retention type is specified,
the snapshots of the Protection Groups using
this policy will be kept for the last N days as specified in the duration
of the datalock. During that time, the snapshots cannot be deleted.
days_to_keep (long|int): Specifies the number of days to retain copied
Snapshots on the target.
multiplier (int): Specifies a factor to multiply the periodicity by,
to determine the copy schedule. For example if set to 2 and the
periodicity is hourly, then Snapshots from the first eligible Job
Run for every 2 hour period is copied.
periodicity (PeriodicitySnapshotArchivalCopyPolicyEnum): Specifies the
frequency that Snapshots should be copied to the specified target.
Used in combination with multipiler. 'kEvery' means that the
Snapshot copy occurs after the number of Job Runs equals the
number specified in the multiplier. 'kHour' means that the
Snapshot copy occurs hourly at the frequency set in the
multiplier, for example if multiplier is 2, the copy occurs every
2 hours. 'kDay' means that the Snapshot copy occurs daily at the
frequency set in the multiplier. 'kWeek' means that the Snapshot
copy occurs weekly at the frequency set in the multiplier.
'kMonth' means that the Snapshot copy occurs monthly at the
frequency set in the multiplier. 'kYear' means that the Snapshot
copy occurs yearly at the frequency set in the multiplier.
target (ArchivalExternalTarget): Specifies the archival target to copy
the Snapshots to.
# Create a mapping from Model property names to API property names
_names = {
def __init__(self,
"""Constructor for the SnapshotArchivalCopyPolicy class"""
# Initialize members of the class
self.id = id
self.copy_partial = copy_partial
self.datalock_config = datalock_config
self.days_to_keep = days_to_keep
self.multiplier = multiplier
self.periodicity = periodicity
self.target = target
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dictionary(cls,
"""Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary
dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as
obtained from the deserialization of the server's response. The keys
MUST match property names in the API description.
object: An instance of this structure class.
if dictionary is None:
return None
# Extract variables from the dictionary
id = dictionary.get('Id')
copy_partial = dictionary.get('copyPartial')
datalock_config = cohesity_management_sdk.models.data_lock_config.DataLockConfig.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('datalockConfig')) if dictionary.get('datalockConfig') else None
days_to_keep = dictionary.get('daysToKeep')
multiplier = dictionary.get('multiplier')
periodicity = dictionary.get('periodicity')
target = cohesity_management_sdk.models.archival_external_target.ArchivalExternalTarget.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('target')) if dictionary.get('target') else None
# Return an object of this model
return cls(id,