Source code for models.restore_task_state_base_proto

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Cohesity Inc.

import cohesity_management_sdk.models.error_proto
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.connector_params
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.restore_vlan_params
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.user_information

[docs]class RestoreTaskStateBaseProto(object): """Implementation of the 'RestoreTaskStateBaseProto' model. TODO: type model description here. Attributes: cancellation_requested (bool): Whether this task has a pending cancellation request. end_time_usecs (long|int): If the restore task has finished, this field contains the end time for the task. error (ErrorProto): TODO: type description here. is_internal (bool): Whether the restore task is internal. This is currently used by standby restore tasks. name (string): The name of the restore task. parent_source_connection_params (ConnectorParams): Message that encapsulates the various params required to establish a connection with a particular environment. public_status (int): Iris-facing task state. This field is stamped during the export. refresh_status (int): Status of the refresh task. restore_vlan_params (RestoreVlanParams): TODO: type description here. scheduled_constituent_id (long|int): Constituent id (and the gandalf session id) where this task has been scheduled. If -1, the task is not running at any slave. It's possible that the task was previously scheduled, but is now being re-scheduled. scheduled_gandalf_session_id (long|int): TODO: type description here. start_time_usecs (long|int): The start time for this restore task. status (int): Status of the restore task. task_id (long|int): A globally unique id for this task. total_logical_size_bytes (long|int): Logical size of this restore task. This is the amount of data that needs to be transferred to restore the entity. total_physical_size_bytes (long|int): Physical size of this restore task. This is the amount of data that was actually transferred to restore the entity. mtype (int): The type of restore being performed. user (string): The user who requested this restore task. user_info (UserInformation): A message to encapsulate information about the user who made the request. Request should be filtered by these fields if specified so that only the objects that the user is permissioned for are returned. If both sid_vec & tenant_id are specified then an intersection of respective results should be returned. user_messages (list of string): Messages displayed to the user for this task (if any). Only valid if the status of the task is kFinished. This is used for informing the user with additional details when there is not an error. warnings (list of ErrorProto): The warnings encountered by this task (if any) during its execution. """ # Create a mapping from Model property names to API property names _names = { "cancellation_requested":'cancellationRequested', "end_time_usecs":'endTimeUsecs', "error":'error', "is_internal":'isInternal', "name":'name', "parent_source_connection_params":'parentSourceConnectionParams', "public_status":'publicStatus', "refresh_status":'refreshStatus', "restore_vlan_params":'restoreVlanParams', "scheduled_constituent_id":'scheduledConstituentId', "scheduled_gandalf_session_id":'scheduledGandalfSessionId', "start_time_usecs":'startTimeUsecs', "status":'status', "task_id":'taskId', "total_logical_size_bytes":'totalLogicalSizeBytes', "total_physical_size_bytes":'totalPhysicalSizeBytes', "mtype":'type', "user":'user', "user_info":'userInfo', "user_messages":'userMessages', "warnings":'warnings' } def __init__(self, cancellation_requested=None, end_time_usecs=None, error=None, is_internal=None, name=None, parent_source_connection_params=None, public_status=None, refresh_status=None, restore_vlan_params=None, scheduled_constituent_id=None, scheduled_gandalf_session_id=None, start_time_usecs=None, status=None, task_id=None, total_logical_size_bytes=None, total_physical_size_bytes=None, mtype=None, user=None, user_info=None, user_messages=None, warnings=None): """Constructor for the RestoreTaskStateBaseProto class""" # Initialize members of the class self.cancellation_requested = cancellation_requested self.end_time_usecs = end_time_usecs self.error = error self.is_internal = is_internal = name self.parent_source_connection_params = parent_source_connection_params self.public_status = public_status self.refresh_status = refresh_status self.restore_vlan_params = restore_vlan_params self.scheduled_constituent_id = scheduled_constituent_id self.scheduled_gandalf_session_id = scheduled_gandalf_session_id self.start_time_usecs = start_time_usecs self.status = status self.task_id = task_id self.total_logical_size_bytes = total_logical_size_bytes self.total_physical_size_bytes = total_physical_size_bytes self.mtype = mtype self.user = user self.user_info = user_info self.user_messages = user_messages self.warnings = warnings
[docs] @classmethod def from_dictionary(cls, dictionary): """Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary Args: dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as obtained from the deserialization of the server's response. The keys MUST match property names in the API description. Returns: object: An instance of this structure class. """ if dictionary is None: return None # Extract variables from the dictionary cancellation_requested = dictionary.get('cancellationRequested') end_time_usecs = dictionary.get('endTimeUsecs') error = cohesity_management_sdk.models.error_proto.ErrorProto.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('error')) if dictionary.get('error') else None is_internal = dictionary.get('isInternal') name = dictionary.get('name') parent_source_connection_params = cohesity_management_sdk.models.connector_params.ConnectorParams.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('parentSourceConnectionParams')) if dictionary.get('parentSourceConnectionParams') else None public_status = dictionary.get('publicStatus') refresh_status = dictionary.get('refreshStatus') restore_vlan_params = cohesity_management_sdk.models.restore_vlan_params.RestoreVlanParams.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('restoreVlanParams')) if dictionary.get('restoreVlanParams') else None scheduled_constituent_id = dictionary.get('scheduledConstituentId') scheduled_gandalf_session_id = dictionary.get('scheduledGandalfSessionId') start_time_usecs = dictionary.get('startTimeUsecs') status = dictionary.get('status') task_id = dictionary.get('taskId') total_logical_size_bytes = dictionary.get('totalLogicalSizeBytes') total_physical_size_bytes = dictionary.get('totalPhysicalSizeBytes') mtype = dictionary.get('type') user = dictionary.get('user') user_info = cohesity_management_sdk.models.user_information.UserInformation.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('userInfo')) if dictionary.get('userInfo') else None user_messages = dictionary.get('userMessages') warnings = None if dictionary.get('warnings') != None: warnings = list() for structure in dictionary.get('warnings'): warnings.append(cohesity_management_sdk.models.error_proto.ErrorProto.from_dictionary(structure)) # Return an object of this model return cls(cancellation_requested, end_time_usecs, error, is_internal, name, parent_source_connection_params, public_status, refresh_status, restore_vlan_params, scheduled_constituent_id, scheduled_gandalf_session_id, start_time_usecs, status, task_id, total_logical_size_bytes, total_physical_size_bytes, mtype, user, user_info, user_messages, warnings)