Source code for models.qo_s_policy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Cohesity Inc.

[docs]class QoSPolicy(object): """Implementation of the 'QoSPolicy' model. Specifies the Quality of Service (QoS) Policy details. Attributes: always_use_ssd (bool): Specifies whether to always write to SSD even if SeqWriteSsdPct is 0. id (long|int): Specifies Id of the QoS Policy. min_requests (int): Specifies minimum number of requests, corresponding to this Policy, executed in the QoS queue. name (string): Specifies Name of the Qos Policy. priority (PriorityQoSPolicyEnum): Specifies Priority of the Qos Policy. Priority of QoS Policy as defined in cluster config proto. random_write_hydra_pct (int): Specifies percentage of a random write request belonging to this Policy that hits hydra. random_write_ssd_pct (int): Specifies percentage of a random write request belonging to this Policy that hits SSD. seq_write_hydra_pct (int): Specifies percentage of a sequential write request belonging to this Policy that hits hydra. seq_write_ssd_pct (int): Specifies percentage of a sequential write request belonging to this Policy that hits SSD. weight (int): Specifies Weight of the QoS Policy used in QoS queue. work_load_type (string): Specifies Workload type attribute associated with this Policy. """ # Create a mapping from Model property names to API property names _names = { "always_use_ssd":'alwaysUseSsd', "id":'id', "min_requests":'minRequests', "name":'name', "priority":'priority', "random_write_hydra_pct":'randomWriteHydraPct', "random_write_ssd_pct":'randomWriteSsdPct', "seq_write_hydra_pct":'seqWriteHydraPct', "seq_write_ssd_pct":'seqWriteSsdPct', "weight":'weight', "work_load_type":'workLoadType' } def __init__(self, always_use_ssd=None, id=None, min_requests=None, name=None, priority=None, random_write_hydra_pct=None, random_write_ssd_pct=None, seq_write_hydra_pct=None, seq_write_ssd_pct=None, weight=None, work_load_type=None): """Constructor for the QoSPolicy class""" # Initialize members of the class self.always_use_ssd = always_use_ssd = id self.min_requests = min_requests = name self.priority = priority self.random_write_hydra_pct = random_write_hydra_pct self.random_write_ssd_pct = random_write_ssd_pct self.seq_write_hydra_pct = seq_write_hydra_pct self.seq_write_ssd_pct = seq_write_ssd_pct self.weight = weight self.work_load_type = work_load_type
[docs] @classmethod def from_dictionary(cls, dictionary): """Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary Args: dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as obtained from the deserialization of the server's response. The keys MUST match property names in the API description. Returns: object: An instance of this structure class. """ if dictionary is None: return None # Extract variables from the dictionary always_use_ssd = dictionary.get('alwaysUseSsd') id = dictionary.get('id') min_requests = dictionary.get('minRequests') name = dictionary.get('name') priority = dictionary.get('priority') random_write_hydra_pct = dictionary.get('randomWriteHydraPct') random_write_ssd_pct = dictionary.get('randomWriteSsdPct') seq_write_hydra_pct = dictionary.get('seqWriteHydraPct') seq_write_ssd_pct = dictionary.get('seqWriteSsdPct') weight = dictionary.get('weight') work_load_type = dictionary.get('workLoadType') # Return an object of this model return cls(always_use_ssd, id, min_requests, name, priority, random_write_hydra_pct, random_write_ssd_pct, seq_write_hydra_pct, seq_write_ssd_pct, weight, work_load_type)