Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Cohesity Inc.

import cohesity_management_sdk.models.app_metadata
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.cluster_info
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.external_network_info
import cohesity_management_sdk.models.vm_name_info

[docs]class App(object): """Implementation of the 'App' model. App provides information about an application. Attributes: app_id (long|int): Specifies unique id allocated by the AppStore. clusters (list of ClusterInfo): Specifies the list of clusters on which the app is installed for a particular account Id. download_progress_pct (float): Specifies app download progress percentage. external_ip_required (bool): Specifies if an external ip is required for the app. external_networks (list of ExternalNetworkInfo): List of external network information available for the app. install_state (InstallStateEnum): Specifies app installation status. Specifies status of the app installation. kNotInstalled - App yet to be installed. kInstallInProgress - App installation is in progress. kInstalled - App is installed required_privilegesly and can be launched. kInstallFailed - App installation failed. kUninstallInProgress - App uninstallation is in progress. kUninstallFailed - App uninstallation failed. kDownloadNotStarted - App download has not started. kDownloadInProgress - App download in progress. kDownloadComplete - App download completed. kDownloadFailed - App download failed. install_time (long|int): Specifies timestamp when the app was installed. instance_sizes (list of string): List of applicable instance size specifications (e.g. small/medium/large) for the app. Used to determine container resources. is_latest (bool): Specifies whether the app currently installed on all clusters is the latest version or not. latest_version (long|int): Specifies application version assigned by the AppStore for the latest version of an app. metadata (AppMetadata): Specifies metadata information about the app. required_privileges (RequiredPrivilegesEnum): Specifies privileges that are required for this app. App privilege information. uninstall_time (long|int): Specifies timestamp when the app was uninstalled. version (long|int): Specifies application version assigned by the AppStore. vm_name_info_list (list of VmNameInfo): List of vm name info objects. """ # Create a mapping from Model property names to API property names _names = { "app_id":'appId', "clusters":'clusters', "download_progress_pct":'downloadProgressPct', "external_ip_required":'externalIpRequired', "external_networks":'externalNetworks', "install_state":'installState', "install_time":'installTime', "instance_sizes":'instanceSizes', "is_latest":'isLatest', "latest_version":'latestVersion', "metadata":'metadata', "required_privileges":'requiredPrivileges', "uninstall_time":'uninstallTime', "version":'version', "vm_name_info_list":'vmNameInfoList' } def __init__(self, app_id=None, clusters=None, download_progress_pct=None, external_ip_required=None, external_networks=None, install_state=None, install_time=None, instance_sizes=None, is_latest=None, latest_version=None, metadata=None, required_privileges=None, uninstall_time=None, version=None, vm_name_info_list=None): """Constructor for the App class""" # Initialize members of the class self.app_id = app_id self.clusters = clusters self.download_progress_pct = download_progress_pct self.external_ip_required = external_ip_required self.external_networks = external_networks self.install_state = install_state self.install_time = install_time self.instance_sizes = instance_sizes self.is_latest = is_latest self.latest_version = latest_version self.metadata = metadata self.required_privileges = required_privileges self.uninstall_time = uninstall_time self.version = version self.vm_name_info_list = vm_name_info_list
[docs] @classmethod def from_dictionary(cls, dictionary): """Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary Args: dictionary (dictionary): A dictionary representation of the object as obtained from the deserialization of the server's response. The keys MUST match property names in the API description. Returns: object: An instance of this structure class. """ if dictionary is None: return None # Extract variables from the dictionary app_id = dictionary.get('appId') clusters = None if dictionary.get('clusters') != None: clusters = list() for structure in dictionary.get('clusters'): clusters.append(cohesity_management_sdk.models.cluster_info.ClusterInfo.from_dictionary(structure)) download_progress_pct = dictionary.get('downloadProgressPct') external_ip_required = dictionary.get('externalIpRequired') external_networks = None if dictionary.get('externalNetworks') != None: external_networks = list() for structure in dictionary.get('externalNetworks'): external_networks.append(cohesity_management_sdk.models.external_network_info.ExternalNetworkInfo.from_dictionary(structure)) install_state = dictionary.get('installState') install_time = dictionary.get('installTime') instance_sizes = dictionary.get('instanceSizes') is_latest = dictionary.get('isLatest') latest_version = dictionary.get('latestVersion') metadata = cohesity_management_sdk.models.app_metadata.AppMetadata.from_dictionary(dictionary.get('metadata')) if dictionary.get('metadata') else None required_privileges = dictionary.get('requiredPrivileges') uninstall_time = dictionary.get('uninstallTime') version = dictionary.get('version') vm_name_info_list = None if dictionary.get('vmNameInfoList') != None: vm_name_info_list = list() for structure in dictionary.get('vmNameInfoList'): vm_name_info_list.append(cohesity_management_sdk.models.vm_name_info.VmNameInfo.from_dictionary(structure)) # Return an object of this model return cls(app_id, clusters, download_progress_pct, external_ip_required, external_networks, install_state, install_time, instance_sizes, is_latest, latest_version, metadata, required_privileges, uninstall_time, version, vm_name_info_list)