Source code for models.alert_category_list_get_alerts_enum

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Cohesity Inc.

[docs]class AlertCategoryListGetAlertsEnum(object): """Implementation of the 'alertCategoryList_GetAlerts' enum. TODO: type enum description here. Attributes: KDISK: TODO: type description here. KNODE: TODO: type description here. KCLUSTER: TODO: type description here. KCHASSIS: TODO: type description here. KPOWERSUPPLY: TODO: type description here. KCPU: TODO: type description here. KMEMORY: TODO: type description here. KTEMPERATURE: TODO: type description here. KFAN: TODO: type description here. KNIC: TODO: type description here. KFIRMWARE: TODO: type description here. KNODEHEALTH: TODO: type description here. KOPERATINGSYSTEM: TODO: type description here. KDATAPATH: TODO: type description here. KMETADATA: TODO: type description here. KINDEXING: TODO: type description here. KHELIOS: TODO: type description here. KAPPMARKETPLACE: TODO: type description here. KLICENSE: TODO: type description here. KSECURITY: TODO: type description here. KUPGRADE: TODO: type description here. KCLUSTERMANAGEMENT: TODO: type description here. KAUDITLOG: TODO: type description here. KNETWORKING: TODO: type description here. KCONFIGURATION: TODO: type description here. KSTORAGEUSAGE: TODO: type description here. KFAULTTOLERANCE: TODO: type description here. KBACKUPRESTORE: TODO: type description here. KARCHIVALRESTORE: TODO: type description here. KREMOTEREPLICATION: TODO: type description here. KQUOTA: TODO: type description here. """ KDISK = 'kDisk' KNODE = 'kNode' KCLUSTER = 'kCluster' KCHASSIS = 'kChassis' KPOWERSUPPLY = 'kPowerSupply' KCPU = 'kCPU' KMEMORY = 'kMemory' KTEMPERATURE = 'kTemperature' KFAN = 'kFan' KNIC = 'kNIC' KFIRMWARE = 'kFirmware' KNODEHEALTH = 'kNodeHealth' KOPERATINGSYSTEM = 'kOperatingSystem' KDATAPATH = 'kDataPath' KMETADATA = 'kMetadata' KINDEXING = 'kIndexing' KHELIOS = 'kHelios' KAPPMARKETPLACE = 'kAppMarketPlace' KLICENSE = 'kLicense' KSECURITY = 'kSecurity' KUPGRADE = 'kUpgrade' KCLUSTERMANAGEMENT = 'kClusterManagement' KAUDITLOG = 'kAuditLog' KNETWORKING = 'kNetworking' KCONFIGURATION = 'kConfiguration' KSTORAGEUSAGE = 'kStorageUsage' KFAULTTOLERANCE = 'kFaultTolerance' KBACKUPRESTORE = 'kBackupRestore' KARCHIVALRESTORE = 'kArchivalRestore' KREMOTEREPLICATION = 'kRemoteReplication' KQUOTA = 'kQuota'