Source code for controllers_v2.recoveries_controller

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from cohesity_management_sdk.api_helper import APIHelper
from cohesity_management_sdk.configuration_v2 import ConfigurationV2
from cohesity_management_sdk.controllers_v2.base_controller import BaseController
from cohesity_management_sdk.http.auth.custom_header_auth import CustomHeaderAuth
from cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.list_of_recoveries import ListOfRecoveries
from cohesity_management_sdk.models_v2.recovery import Recovery
from cohesity_management_sdk.exceptions.error_exception import ErrorException

[docs]class RecoveriesController(BaseController): """A Controller to access Endpoints in the cohesity_management_sdk API.""" def __init__(self, config=None, client=None, call_back=None): super(RecoveriesController, self).__init__(client, call_back) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.config = config
[docs] def get_recoveries(self, ids=None, tenant_ids=None, include_tenants=None, start_time_usecs=None, end_time_usecs=None, snapshot_target_type=None, archival_target_type=None, snapshot_environments=None, status=None, recovery_actions=None): """Does a GET request to /data-protect/recoveries. Lists the Recoveries. Args: ids (list of string, optional): Filter Recoveries for given ids. tenant_ids (list of string, optional): TenantIds contains ids of the organizations for which recoveries are to be returned. include_tenants (bool, optional): Specifies if objects of all the organizations under the hierarchy of the logged in user's organization should be returned. start_time_usecs (long|int, optional): Returns the recoveries which are started after the specific time. This value should be in Unix timestamp epoch in microseconds. end_time_usecs (long|int, optional): Returns the recoveries which are started before the specific time. This value should be in Unix timestamp epoch in microseconds. snapshot_target_type (list of SnapshotTargetType2Enum, optional): Specifies the snapshot's target type from which recovery has been performed. archival_target_type (list of ArchivalTargetType2Enum, optional): Specifies the snapshot's archival target type from which recovery has been performed. This parameter applies only if 'snapshotTargetType' is 'Archival'. snapshot_environments (list of SnapshotEnvironment2Enum, optional): Specifies the list of snapshot environment types to filter Recoveries. If empty, Recoveries related to all environments will be returned. status (list of Status18Enum, optional): Specifies the list of run status to filter Recoveries. If empty, Recoveries with all run status will be returned. recovery_actions (list of RecoveryAction14Enum, optional): Specifies the list of recovery actions to filter Recoveries. If empty, Recoveries related to all actions will be returned. Returns: ListOfRecoveries: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_recoveries called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for get_recoveries.') _url_path = '/data-protect/recoveries' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'ids': ids, 'tenantIds': tenant_ids, 'includeTenants': include_tenants, 'startTimeUsecs': start_time_usecs, 'endTimeUsecs': end_time_usecs, 'snapshotTargetType': snapshot_target_type, 'archivalTargetType': archival_target_type, 'snapshotEnvironments': snapshot_environments, 'status': status, 'recoveryActions': recovery_actions } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(_query_builder, _query_parameters, ConfigurationV2.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_recoveries.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json' } # Prepare and execute request'Preparing and executing request for get_recoveries.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) CustomHeaderAuth.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name = 'get_recoveries') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for get_recoveries.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise ErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ListOfRecoveries.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info = True) raise
[docs] def create_recovery(self, body): """Does a POST request to /data-protect/recoveries. Performs a Recovery. Args: body (CreateRecoveryRequestParams): Specifies the parameters to create a Recovery. Returns: Recovery: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_recovery called.') # Validate required parameters'Validating required parameters for create_recovery.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for create_recovery.') _url_path = '/data-protect/recoveries' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_recovery.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request'Preparing and executing request for create_recovery.') _request =, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) CustomHeaderAuth.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name = 'create_recovery') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for create_recovery.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise ErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, Recovery.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info = True) raise
[docs] def create_download_files_and_folders_recovery(self, body): """Does a POST request to /data-protect/recoveries/downloadFilesAndFoldersRecovery. Creates a download files and folders recovery. Args: body (DownloadFilesAndFoldersRecoveryParams): Specifies the parameters to create a download files and folder recovery. Returns: Recovery: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_download_files_and_folders_recovery called.') # Validate required parameters'Validating required parameters for create_download_files_and_folders_recovery.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for create_download_files_and_folders_recovery.') _url_path = '/data-protect/recoveries/downloadFilesAndFoldersRecovery' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_download_files_and_folders_recovery.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request'Preparing and executing request for create_download_files_and_folders_recovery.') _request =, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) CustomHeaderAuth.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name = 'create_download_files_and_folders_recovery') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for create_download_files_and_folders_recovery.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise ErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, Recovery.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info = True) raise
[docs] def get_recovery_by_id(self, id, include_tenants=None): """Does a GET request to /data-protect/recoveries/{id}. Get Recovery for a given id. Args: id (string): Specifies the id of a Recovery. include_tenants (bool, optional): Specifies if objects of all the organizations under the hierarchy of the logged in user's organization should be returned. Returns: Recovery: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_recovery_by_id called.') # Validate required parameters'Validating required parameters for get_recovery_by_id.') self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for get_recovery_by_id.') _url_path = '/data-protect/recoveries/{id}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(_url_path, { 'id': id }) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'includeTenants': include_tenants } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(_query_builder, _query_parameters, ConfigurationV2.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_recovery_by_id.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json' } # Prepare and execute request'Preparing and executing request for get_recovery_by_id.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) CustomHeaderAuth.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name = 'get_recovery_by_id') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for get_recovery_by_id.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise ErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, Recovery.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info = True) raise
[docs] def cancel_recovery_by_id(self, id): """Does a POST request to /data-protect/recoveries/{id}/cancel. Cancel Recovery for a given id. Args: id (string): Specifies the id of a Recovery. Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'cancel_recovery_by_id called.') # Validate required parameters'Validating required parameters for cancel_recovery_by_id.') self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for cancel_recovery_by_id.') _url_path = '/data-protect/recoveries/{id}/cancel' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(_url_path, { 'id': id }) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare and execute request'Preparing and executing request for cancel_recovery_by_id.') _request = CustomHeaderAuth.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name = 'cancel_recovery_by_id') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for cancel_recovery_by_id.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise ErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info = True) raise
[docs] def download_files_from_recovery(self, id, start_offset=None, length=None): """Does a GET request to /data-protect/recoveries/{id}/downloadFiles. Download files from the given download file recovery. Args: id (string): Specifies the id of a Recovery. start_offset (long|int, optional): Specifies the start offset of file chunk to be downloaded. length (long|int, optional): Specifies the length of bytes to download. This can not be greater than 8MB (8388608 byets) Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'download_files_from_recovery called.') # Validate required parameters'Validating required parameters for download_files_from_recovery.') self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for download_files_from_recovery.') _url_path = '/data-protect/recoveries/{id}/downloadFiles' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(_url_path, { 'id': id }) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'startOffset': start_offset, 'length': length } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(_query_builder, _query_parameters, ConfigurationV2.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare and execute request'Preparing and executing request for download_files_from_recovery.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url) CustomHeaderAuth.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name = 'download_files_from_recovery') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for download_files_from_recovery.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise ErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info = True) raise
[docs] def tear_down_recovery_by_id(self, id): """Does a POST request to /data-protect/recoveries/{id}/tearDown. Tear down Recovery for a given id. Args: id (string): Specifies the id of a Recovery. Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'tear_down_recovery_by_id called.') # Validate required parameters'Validating required parameters for tear_down_recovery_by_id.') self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for tear_down_recovery_by_id.') _url_path = '/data-protect/recoveries/{id}/tearDown' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(_url_path, { 'id': id }) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare and execute request'Preparing and executing request for tear_down_recovery_by_id.') _request = CustomHeaderAuth.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name = 'tear_down_recovery_by_id') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for tear_down_recovery_by_id.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise ErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info = True) raise
[docs] def download_indexed_file(self, snapshots_id, file_path=None, retry_attempt=None, start_offset=None, length=None): """Does a GET request to /data-protect/snapshots/{snapshotsId}/downloadFile. Download an indexed file from a snapshot. Args: snapshots_id (string): Specifies the snapshot id to download from. file_path (string, optional): Specifies the path to the file to download. If no path is specified and snapshot environment is kVMWare, VMX file for VMware will be downloaded. For other snapshot environments, this field must be specified. retry_attempt (long|int, optional): Specifies the number of attempts the protection run took to create this file. start_offset (long|int, optional): Specifies the start offset of file chunk to be downloaded. length (long|int, optional): Specifies the length of bytes to download. This can not be greater than 8MB (8388608 byets) Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'download_indexed_file called.') # Validate required parameters'Validating required parameters for download_indexed_file.') self.validate_parameters(snapshots_id=snapshots_id) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for download_indexed_file.') _url_path = '/data-protect/snapshots/{snapshotsId}/downloadFile' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(_url_path, { 'snapshotsId': snapshots_id }) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'filePath': file_path, 'retryAttempt': retry_attempt, 'startOffset': start_offset, 'length': length } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(_query_builder, _query_parameters, ConfigurationV2.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare and execute request'Preparing and executing request for download_indexed_file.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url) CustomHeaderAuth.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name = 'download_indexed_file') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for download_indexed_file.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise ErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info = True) raise