Source code for controllers.views_controller

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Cohesity Inc.

import logging
from cohesity_management_sdk.api_helper import APIHelper
from cohesity_management_sdk.configuration import Configuration
from cohesity_management_sdk.controllers.base_controller import BaseController
from cohesity_management_sdk.http.auth.auth_manager import AuthManager
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.list_nlm_locks_response import ListNlmLocksResponse
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.qo_s_policy import QoSPolicy
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.get_views_by_share_name_result import GetViewsByShareNameResult
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.smb_connection import SmbConnection
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.view_alias import ViewAlias
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.activate_view_aliases_result import ActivateViewAliasesResult
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.dir_quota_info import DirQuotaInfo
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.view_user_quotas import ViewUserQuotas
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.user_quota_and_usage import UserQuotaAndUsage
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.user_quota_settings import UserQuotaSettings
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.get_views_result import GetViewsResult
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.nfs_connection import NfsConnection
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.view import View
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.file_lock_status import FileLockStatus
from cohesity_management_sdk.exceptions.request_error_error_exception import RequestErrorErrorException

[docs]class ViewsController(BaseController): """A Controller to access Endpoints in the cohesity_management_sdk API.""" def __init__(self, config=None, client=None, call_back=None): super(ViewsController, self).__init__(client, call_back) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.config = config
[docs] def delete_clear_nlm_locks(self, body): """Does a DELETE request to /public/nlmLocks. Returns nothing upon success. Args: body (ClearNlmLocksParameters): Request to clear NLM locks. Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'delete_clear_nlm_locks called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for delete_clear_nlm_locks.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for delete_clear_nlm_locks.') _url_path = '/public/nlmLocks' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for delete_clear_nlm_locks.') _headers = {'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for delete_clear_nlm_locks.') _request = self.http_client.delete( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='delete_clear_nlm_locks') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for delete_clear_nlm_locks.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def list_nlm_locks(self, file_path=None, view_name=None, page_count=None, cookie=None): """Does a GET request to /public/nlmLocks. If no parameters are specified, all NLM locks currently on the Cohesity Cluster are returned. Specifying parameters filters the results that are returned. Args: file_path (string, optional): Specifies the filepath in the view relative to the root filesystem. If this field is specified, viewName field must also be specified. view_name (string, optional): Specifies the name of the View in which to search. If a view name is not specified, all the views in the Cluster is searched. This field is mandatory if filePath field is specified. page_count (int, optional): Specifies the maximum number of NLM locks to return in the response. This field cannot be set above 1000. If this is not set, maximum of 1000 entries are returned. cookie (string, optional): Specifies the opaque string returned in the previous response. If this is set, next set of active opens just after the previous response are returned. If this is not set, first set of NLM locks are returned. Returns: ListNlmLocksResponse: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'list_nlm_locks called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for list_nlm_locks.') _url_path = '/public/nlmLocks' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'filePath': file_path, 'viewName': view_name, 'pageCount': page_count, 'cookie': cookie } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for list_nlm_locks.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for list_nlm_locks.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='list_nlm_locks') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for list_nlm_locks.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, ListNlmLocksResponse.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_qo_s_policies(self, ids=None, names=None): """Does a GET request to /public/qosPolicies. Returns error if op fails. Args: ids (list of long|int, optional): Specifies the Ids of QoS Policies to filter by. names (list of string, optional): Specifies the names of QoS Policies to filter by. Returns: list of QoSPolicy: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_qo_s_policies called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for get_qo_s_policies.') _url_path = '/public/qosPolicies' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = {'ids': ids, 'names': names} _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_qo_s_policies.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_qo_s_policies.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_qo_s_policies') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for get_qo_s_policies.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, QoSPolicy.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_views_by_share_name(self, tenant_ids=None, all_under_hierarchy=None, share_name=None, max_count=None, pagination_cookie=None, match_partial_names=None): """Does a GET request to /public/shares. If no parameters are specified, all shares on the Cohesity Cluster are returned. Specifying share name/prefix filters the results that are returned. NOTE: If maxCount is set and the number of Views returned exceeds the maxCount, there are more Views to return. To get the next set of Views, send another request and specify the pagination cookie from the previous response. Args: tenant_ids (list of string, optional): TenantIds contains ids of the tenants for which objects are to be returned. all_under_hierarchy (bool, optional): AllUnderHierarchy specifies if objects of all the tenants under the hierarchy of the logged in user's organization should be returned. share_name (string, optional): The share name(substring) that needs to be searched against existing views and aliases. max_count (int, optional): Specifies a limit on the number of Views returned. pagination_cookie (string, optional): Expected to be empty in the first call to GetViewsByShareName. To get the next set of results, set this value to the pagination cookie value returned in the response of the previous call. match_partial_names (bool, optional): If true, the names in viewNames are matched by prefix rather than exactly matched. Returns: GetViewsByShareNameResult: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_views_by_share_name called.') # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for get_views_by_share_name.') _url_path = '/public/shares' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'tenantIds': tenant_ids, 'allUnderHierarchy': all_under_hierarchy, 'shareName': share_name, 'maxCount': max_count, 'paginationCookie': pagination_cookie, 'matchPartialNames': match_partial_names } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_views_by_share_name.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_views_by_share_name.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_views_by_share_name') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for get_views_by_share_name.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, GetViewsByShareNameResult.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_smb_connections(self, view_names=None, view_ids=None, max_count=None, include_sid=None): """Does a GET request to /public/smbConnections. Returns error if op fails. Args: view_names (list of string, optional): Parameters to get Smb Connections. List of names of views whose connections are to be fetched. view_ids (list of long|int, optional): List of ids of views whose connections are to be fetched. max_count (int, optional): Maximum number of results to return. include_sid (bool, optional): Specifies whether to include list of sids in the result. Returns: list of SmbConnection: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_smb_connections called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for get_smb_connections.') _url_path = '/public/smbConnections' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'viewNames': view_names, 'viewIds': view_ids, 'maxCount': max_count, 'includeSid': include_sid } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_smb_connections.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_smb_connections.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_smb_connections') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for get_smb_connections.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, SmbConnection.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_view_alias(self, body): """Does a POST request to /public/viewAliases. Returns the created View Alias. Args: body (ViewAlias): Request to create a View Alias. Returns: ViewAlias: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_view_alias called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_view_alias.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for create_view_alias.') _url_path = '/public/viewAliases' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_view_alias.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_view_alias.') _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='create_view_alias') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for create_view_alias.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ViewAlias.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def update_view_alias(self, body): """Does a PUT request to /public/viewAliases. Returns the updated View Alias. Args: body (UpdateViewAliasParam): Request to update a View. Returns: ViewAlias: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'update_view_alias called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for update_view_alias.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for update_view_alias.') _url_path = '/public/viewAliases' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for update_view_alias.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for update_view_alias.') _request = self.http_client.put( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='update_view_alias') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for update_view_alias.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ViewAlias.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def delete_view_alias(self, name): """Does a DELETE request to /public/viewAliases/{name}. Returns delete status upon completion. Args: name (string): Specifies the View Alias name. Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'delete_view_alias called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for delete_view_alias.') self.validate_parameters(name=name) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for delete_view_alias.') _url_path = '/public/viewAliases/{name}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'name': name}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for delete_view_alias.') _request = self.http_client.delete(_query_url) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='delete_view_alias') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for delete_view_alias.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_activate_view_aliases(self, name): """Does a POST request to /public/viewAliases/{name}/activate. Returns error if op fails. Args: name (string): Specifies the View name. Returns: ActivateViewAliasesResult: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_activate_view_aliases called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_activate_view_aliases.' ) self.validate_parameters(name=name) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for create_activate_view_aliases.') _url_path = '/public/viewAliases/{name}/activate' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'name': name}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for create_activate_view_aliases.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_activate_view_aliases.' ) _request =, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='create_activate_view_aliases') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for create_activate_view_aliases.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, ActivateViewAliasesResult.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_view_dir_quota_info(self, view_name): """Does a GET request to /public/viewDirectoryQuotas. Gets directory quota info for a view. Returns error if op fails. Args: view_name (string): The name of the view. Returns: DirQuotaInfo: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_view_dir_quota_info called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for get_view_dir_quota_info.') self.validate_parameters(view_name=view_name) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for get_view_dir_quota_info.') _url_path = '/public/viewDirectoryQuotas' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = {'viewName': view_name} _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_view_dir_quota_info.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_view_dir_quota_info.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_view_dir_quota_info') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for get_view_dir_quota_info.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, DirQuotaInfo.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def update_view_dir_quota(self, body): """Does a PUT request to /public/viewDirectoryQuotas. Updates a directory quota policy for a view. Returns error if op fails. Args: body (UpdateDirQuotaArgs): Request to update view directory quota policy. Returns: DirQuotaInfo: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'update_view_dir_quota called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for update_view_dir_quota.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for update_view_dir_quota.') _url_path = '/public/viewDirectoryQuotas' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for update_view_dir_quota.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for update_view_dir_quota.') _request = self.http_client.put( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='update_view_dir_quota') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for update_view_dir_quota.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, DirQuotaInfo.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def delete_view_users_quota(self, body=None): """Does a DELETE request to /public/viewUserQuotas. Returns error if op fails. Args: body (DeleteViewUsersQuotaParameters, optional): update user quota params. Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'delete_view_users_quota called.') # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for delete_view_users_quota.') _url_path = '/public/viewUserQuotas' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for delete_view_users_quota.') _headers = {'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for delete_view_users_quota.') _request = self.http_client.delete( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='delete_view_users_quota') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for delete_view_users_quota.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_view_user_quotas(self, view_name=None, include_usage=None, include_user_with_quota_only=None, exclude_users_within_alert_threshold=None, unix_uid=None, sid=None, user_unix_ids_for_view=None, user_sids_for_view=None, view_names_for_user=None, summary_only=None, page_count=None, max_view_id=None, cookie=None, output_format=None): """Does a GET request to /public/viewUserQuotas. Returns error if op fails. Args: view_name (string, optional): Specifies the name of the input view. If given, there could be three scenarios with the viewName input parameter: It gives the user quota overrides for this view, and the user quota settings. Returns 'usersQuotaAndUsage'. If given along with the user id, it returns the quota policy for this user on this view. Returns 'usersQuotaAndUsage'. If given along with SummaryOnly as true, a user quota summary for this view would be returned. Returns 'summaryForView'. If not given, then the user id is checked. include_usage (bool, optional): If set to true, the logical usage info is included only for users with quota overrides. By default, it is set to false. include_user_with_quota_only (bool, optional): If set to true, the result will only contain user with user quota enabled. By default, this field is set to false, and it's only in effect when 'SummaryOnly' is set to false and 'ViewName' is specified. exclude_users_within_alert_threshold (bool, optional): This field can be set only when includeUsage is set to true. By default, all the users with logical usage > 0 will be returned in the result. If this field is set to true, only the list of users who has exceeded the alert threshold will be returned. unix_uid (int, optional): If interested in a user via unix-identifier, include UnixUid. Otherwise, If a valid unix-id to SID mappings are available (i.e., when mixed mode is enabled) the server will perform the necessary id mapping and return the correct usage irrespective of whether the unix id / SID is provided. sid (string, optional): If interested in a user via smb_client, include SID. Otherwise, If a valid unix-id to SID mappings are available (i.e., when mixed mode is enabled) the server will perform the necessary id mapping and return the correct usage irrespective of whether the unix id / SID is provided. The string is of following format - S-1-IdentifierAuthority-SubAuthority1-SubAuthority2-...-SubAuth orityn. user_unix_ids_for_view (list of int, optional): While making a query for a view, this specifies a list of specific users with their unix uid for the result. user_sids_for_view (list of string, optional): While making a query for a view, this specifies a list of specific users with their Sid for the result. view_names_for_user (list of string, optional): While making a query for a user, this specifies a list of specific views for the result. summary_only (bool, optional): Specifies a flag to just return a summary. If set to true, and if ViewName is not nil, it returns the summary of users for a view. Otherwise if UserId not nil, and ViewName is nil then it fetches the summary for a user in his views. By default, it is set to false. page_count (long|int, optional): Specifies the max entries that should be returned in the result. max_view_id (long|int, optional): Related to fetching a particular user's quota and usage in all his views. It only pertains to the scenario where either UnixUid or Sid is specified, and ViewName is nil. Specify the maxViewId for All the views returned would have view_id's less than or equal to the given MaxViewId if it is >= 0. cookie (string, optional): Cookie should be used from previous call to list user quota overrides. It resumes (or gives the next set of values) from the result of the previous call. output_format (string, optional): OutputFormat is the Output format for the output. If it is not specified, default is json. Returns: ViewUserQuotas: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_view_user_quotas called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for get_view_user_quotas.') _url_path = '/public/viewUserQuotas' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'viewName': view_name, 'includeUsage': include_usage, 'includeUserWithQuotaOnly': include_user_with_quota_only, 'excludeUsersWithinAlertThreshold': exclude_users_within_alert_threshold, 'unixUid': unix_uid, 'sid': sid, 'userUnixIdsForView': user_unix_ids_for_view, 'userSidsForView': user_sids_for_view, 'viewNamesForUser': view_names_for_user, 'summaryOnly': summary_only, 'pageCount': page_count, 'maxViewId': max_view_id, 'cookie': cookie, 'outputFormat': output_format } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_view_user_quotas.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_view_user_quotas.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_view_user_quotas') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for get_view_user_quotas.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ViewUserQuotas.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_view_user_quota(self, body=None): """Does a POST request to /public/viewUserQuotas. Returns error if op fails. Args: body (ViewUserQuotaParameters, optional): update user quota params. Returns: UserQuotaAndUsage: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_view_user_quota called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for create_view_user_quota.') _url_path = '/public/viewUserQuotas' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_view_user_quota.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_view_user_quota.') _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='create_view_user_quota') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for create_view_user_quota.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, UserQuotaAndUsage.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def update_view_user_quota(self, body=None): """Does a PUT request to /public/viewUserQuotas. Returns error if op fails. Args: body (ViewUserQuotaParameters, optional): update user quota params. Returns: UserQuotaAndUsage: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'update_view_user_quota called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for update_view_user_quota.') _url_path = '/public/viewUserQuotas' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for update_view_user_quota.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for update_view_user_quota.') _request = self.http_client.put( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='update_view_user_quota') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for update_view_user_quota.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, UserQuotaAndUsage.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def update_user_quota_settings(self, body=None): """Does a PUT request to /public/viewUserQuotasSettings. Returns error if op fails. Args: body (UpdateUserQuotaSettingsForView, optional): update user quota metadata params. Returns: UserQuotaSettings: Response from the API. The User Quota settings applied to a view. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'update_user_quota_settings called.') # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for update_user_quota_settings.') _url_path = '/public/viewUserQuotasSettings' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for update_user_quota_settings.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for update_user_quota_settings.' ) _request = self.http_client.put( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='update_user_quota_settings') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for update_user_quota_settings.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, UserQuotaSettings.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_views(self, tenant_ids=None, all_under_hierarchy=None, view_names=None, view_ids=None, view_box_ids=None, view_box_names=None, match_partial_names=None, max_count=None, include_protection_jobs=None, max_view_id=None, include_inactive=None, job_ids=None, sort_by_logical_usage=None, match_alias_names=None, include_views_with_antivirus_enabled_only=None, include_stats=None, include_views_with_data_lock_enabled_only=None): """Does a GET request to /public/views. If no parameters are specified, all Views on the Cohesity Cluster are returned. Specifying parameters filters the results that are returned. NOTE: If maxCount is set and the number of Views returned exceeds the maxCount, there are more Views to return. To get the next set of Views, send another request and specify the id of the last View returned in viewList from the previous response. Args: tenant_ids (list of string, optional): TenantIds contains ids of the tenants for which objects are to be returned. all_under_hierarchy (bool, optional): AllUnderHierarchy specifies if objects of all the tenants under the hierarchy of the logged in user's organization should be returned. view_names (list of string, optional): Filter by a list of View names. view_ids (list of long|int, optional): Filter by a list of View ids. view_box_ids (list of long|int, optional): Filter by a list of Storage Domains (View Boxes) specified by id. view_box_names (list of string, optional): Filter by a list of View Box names. match_partial_names (bool, optional): If true, the names in viewNames are matched by prefix rather than exactly matched. max_count (int, optional): Specifies a limit on the number of Views returned. include_protection_jobs (bool, optional): Specifies if Protection Jobs information needs to be returned along with view metadata. By default, if not set or set to true, Job information is returned. max_view_id (long|int, optional): If the number of Views to return exceeds the maxCount specified in the original request, specify the id of the last View from the viewList in the previous response to get the next set of Views. include_inactive (bool, optional): Specifies if inactive Views on this Remote Cluster (which have Snapshots copied by replication) should also be returned. Inactive Views are not counted towards the maxCount. By default, this field is set to false. job_ids (list of long|int, optional): Filter by Protection Job ids. Return Views that are being protected by listed Jobs, which are specified by ids. sort_by_logical_usage (bool, optional): If set to true, the list is sorted descending by logical usage. match_alias_names (bool, optional): If true, view aliases are also matched with the names in viewNames. include_views_with_antivirus_enabled_only (bool, optional): If set to true, the list will contain only the views for which antivirus scan is enabled. include_stats (bool, optional): If set to true, stats of views will be returned. By default this parameter is set to false. include_views_with_data_lock_enabled_only (bool, optional): If set to true, the list will contain only the views for which either file level data lock is enabled or view level data lock is enabled. Returns: GetViewsResult: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_views called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for get_views.') _url_path = '/public/views' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'tenantIds': tenant_ids, 'allUnderHierarchy': all_under_hierarchy, 'viewNames': view_names, 'viewIds': view_ids, 'viewBoxIds': view_box_ids, 'viewBoxNames': view_box_names, 'matchPartialNames': match_partial_names, 'maxCount': max_count, 'includeProtectionJobs': include_protection_jobs, 'maxViewId': max_view_id, 'includeInactive': include_inactive, 'jobIds': job_ids, 'SortByLogicalUsage': sort_by_logical_usage, 'matchAliasNames': match_alias_names, 'includeViewsWithAntivirusEnabledOnly': include_views_with_antivirus_enabled_only, 'includeStats': include_stats, 'includeViewsWithDataLockEnabledOnly': include_views_with_data_lock_enabled_only } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_views.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request'Preparing and executing request for get_views.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_views') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for get_views.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, GetViewsResult.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_view(self, body): """Does a POST request to /public/views. Returns the created View. Args: body (CreateViewRequest): Request to create a View. Returns: View: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_view called.') # Validate required parameters'Validating required parameters for create_view.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for create_view.') _url_path = '/public/views' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_view.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_view.') _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='create_view') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for create_view.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, View.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def update_view(self, body): """Does a PUT request to /public/views. Returns the updated View. Args: body (UpdateViewParam): Request to update a view. Returns: View: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'update_view called.') # Validate required parameters'Validating required parameters for update_view.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for update_view.') _url_path = '/public/views' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for update_view.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for update_view.') _request = self.http_client.put( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='update_view') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for update_view.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, View.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_clone_view(self, body): """Does a POST request to /public/views/clone. Returns the cloned View. Args: body (CloneViewRequest): Request to clone a View. Returns: View: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_clone_view called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_clone_view.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for create_clone_view.') _url_path = '/public/views/clone' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_clone_view.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_clone_view.') _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='create_clone_view') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for create_clone_view.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, View.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_clone_directory(self, body): """Does a POST request to /public/views/cloneDirectory. Returns error if op fails. Args: body (CloneDirectoryParams): Request to clone a directory. Returns: void: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_clone_directory called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_clone_directory.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for create_clone_directory.') _url_path = '/public/views/cloneDirectory' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_clone_directory.') _headers = {'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_clone_directory.') _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='create_clone_directory') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for create_clone_directory.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def delete_view_by_id(self, id): """Does a DELETE request to /public/views/id/{id}. Returns delete status upon completion. Args: id (long|int): Specifies the View id. Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'delete_view_by_id called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for delete_view_by_id.') self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for delete_view_by_id.') _url_path = '/public/views/id/{id}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for delete_view_by_id.') _request = self.http_client.delete(_query_url) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='delete_view_by_id') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for delete_view_by_id.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_view_by_id(self, id): """Does a GET request to /public/views/id/{id}. Returns the View corresponding to the specified View id. Args: id (long|int): Specifies the View id. Returns: View: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_view_by_id called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for get_view_by_id.') self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for get_view_by_id.') _url_path = '/public/views/id/{id}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_view_by_id.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_view_by_id.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_view_by_id') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for get_view_by_id.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, View.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_file_lock_status_by_id(self, id, path=None): """Does a GET request to /public/views/id/{id}/fileLocks. Returns error if op fails. Args: id (long|int): Specifies the View id. path (string, optional): Specifies the file path that needs to be locked. Returns: FileLockStatus: Response from the API. Get lock file status response Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_file_lock_status_by_id called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for get_file_lock_status_by_id.' ) self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for get_file_lock_status_by_id.') _url_path = '/public/views/id/{id}/fileLocks' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = {'path': path} _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for get_file_lock_status_by_id.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_file_lock_status_by_id.' ) _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_file_lock_status_by_id') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for get_file_lock_status_by_id.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, FileLockStatus.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_lock_file_by_id(self, id, body=None): """Does a POST request to /public/views/id/{id}/fileLocks. Returns error if op fails. Args: id (long|int): Specifies the View id. body (LockFileParams, optional): Request to lock a file. Returns: FileLockStatus: Response from the API. Get lock file status response Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_lock_file_by_id called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_lock_file_by_id.') self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for create_lock_file_by_id.') _url_path = '/public/views/id/{id}/fileLocks' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_lock_file_by_id.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_lock_file_by_id.') _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='create_lock_file_by_id') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for create_lock_file_by_id.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, FileLockStatus.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_overwrite_view(self, body): """Does a POST request to /public/views/overwrite. Specifies source and target view names as params. Returns the modified Target View. Args: body (OverwriteViewParam): Request to overwrite a Target view with contents of a Source view. Returns: View: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_overwrite_view called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_overwrite_view.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for create_overwrite_view.') _url_path = '/public/views/overwrite' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_overwrite_view.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_overwrite_view.') _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='create_overwrite_view') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for create_overwrite_view.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, View.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_rename_view_by_id(self, body, id): """Does a POST request to /public/views/rename/id/{id}. Specify unique id of the View in the 'id' parameter. Returns the renamed View. Args: body (RenameViewParam): Request to rename a View. id (long|int): Specifies the View id. Returns: View: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_rename_view_by_id called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_rename_view_by_id.') self.validate_parameters(body=body, id=id) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for create_rename_view_by_id.') _url_path = '/public/views/rename/id/{id}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_rename_view_by_id.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_rename_view_by_id.' ) _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='create_rename_view_by_id') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for create_rename_view_by_id.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, View.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_rename_view(self, body, name): """Does a POST request to /public/views/rename/{name}. Specify original name of the View in the 'name' parameter. Returns the renamed View. Args: body (RenameViewParam): Request to rename a View. name (string): Specifies the View name. Returns: View: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_rename_view called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_rename_view.') self.validate_parameters(body=body, name=name) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for create_rename_view.') _url_path = '/public/views/rename/{name}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'name': name}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_rename_view.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_rename_view.') _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='create_rename_view') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for create_rename_view.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, View.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def delete_view(self, name): """Does a DELETE request to /public/views/{name}. Returns delete status upon completion. Args: name (string): Specifies the View name. Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'delete_view called.') # Validate required parameters'Validating required parameters for delete_view.') self.validate_parameters(name=name) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for delete_view.') _url_path = '/public/views/{name}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'name': name}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for delete_view.') _request = self.http_client.delete(_query_url) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='delete_view') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for delete_view.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_view_by_name(self, name): """Does a GET request to /public/views/{name}. Returns the View corresponding to the specified View name. Args: name (string): Specifies the View name. Returns: View: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_view_by_name called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for get_view_by_name.') self.validate_parameters(name=name) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for get_view_by_name.') _url_path = '/public/views/{name}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'name': name}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_view_by_name.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_view_by_name.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_view_by_name') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for get_view_by_name.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, View.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def update_view_by_name(self, name, body): """Does a PUT request to /public/views/{name}. Returns the updated View. Args: name (string): Specifies the View name. body (UpdateViewParam): Request to update a view. Returns: View: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'update_view_by_name called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for update_view_by_name.') self.validate_parameters(name=name, body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for update_view_by_name.') _url_path = '/public/views/{name}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'name': name}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for update_view_by_name.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for update_view_by_name.') _request = self.http_client.put( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='update_view_by_name') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for update_view_by_name.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, View.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_file_lock_status(self, name, path=None): """Does a GET request to /public/views/{name}/fileLocks. Returns error if op fails. Args: name (string): Specifies the View name. path (string, optional): Specifies the file path that needs to be locked. Returns: FileLockStatus: Response from the API. Get lock file status response Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_file_lock_status called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for get_file_lock_status.') self.validate_parameters(name=name) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for get_file_lock_status.') _url_path = '/public/views/{name}/fileLocks' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'name': name}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = {'path': path} _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_file_lock_status.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_file_lock_status.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_file_lock_status') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for get_file_lock_status.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, FileLockStatus.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_lock_file(self, name, body=None): """Does a POST request to /public/views/{name}/fileLocks. Returns error if op fails. Args: name (string): Specifies the View name. body (LockFileParams, optional): Request to lock a file. Returns: FileLockStatus: Response from the API. Get lock file status response Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_lock_file called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_lock_file.') self.validate_parameters(name=name) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for create_lock_file.') _url_path = '/public/views/{name}/fileLocks' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'name': name}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for create_lock_file.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_lock_file.') _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='create_lock_file') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for create_lock_file.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, FileLockStatus.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_nfs_connections(self, view_names=None, view_ids=None, max_count=None): """Does a GET request to /public/nfsConnections. Returns error if op fails. Args: view_names (list of string, optional): Parameters to get Nfs List of names of views whose connections are to be fetched. view_ids (list of long|int, optional): List of ids of views whose connections are to be fetched. max_count (int): Maximum number of results to return. Returns: list of NfsConnection: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_nfs_connections called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for get_nfs_connections.') _url_path = '/public/nfsConnections' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'viewNames': view_names, 'viewIds': view_ids, 'maxCount': max_count } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_nfs_connections.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request'Preparing and executing request for get_nfs_connections.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_nfs_connections') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for get_nfs_connections.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, NfsConnection.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise