Source code for controllers.protection_sources_controller

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Cohesity Inc.

import logging
from cohesity_management_sdk.api_helper import APIHelper
from cohesity_management_sdk.configuration import Configuration
from cohesity_management_sdk.controllers.base_controller import BaseController
from cohesity_management_sdk.http.auth.auth_manager import AuthManager
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.upgrade_physical_agents_message import UpgradePhysicalAgentsMessage
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.protection_source_node import ProtectionSourceNode
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.registered_application_server import RegisteredApplicationServer
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.protection_source import ProtectionSource
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.protected_vm_info import ProtectedVmInfo
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.run_diagnostics_message import RunDiagnosticsMessage
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.get_registration_info_response import GetRegistrationInfoResponse
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.sql_aag_host_and_databases import SqlAagHostAndDatabases
from cohesity_management_sdk.exceptions.request_error_error_exception import RequestErrorErrorException
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.exchange_dag_hosts_response import ExchangeDagHostsResponse
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.download_cft_response import DownloadCftResponse

[docs]class ProtectionSourcesController(BaseController): """A Controller to access Endpoints in the cohesity_management_sdk API.""" def __init__(self, config=None, client=None, call_back=None): super(ProtectionSourcesController, self).__init__(client, call_back) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.config = config
[docs] def get_download_physical_agent(self, host_type, pkg_type=None, agent_type=None): """Does a GET request to /public/physicalAgents/download. Host type could be Linux, Windows, AIX. Args: host_type (HostTypeDownloadPhysicalAgentEnum): Specifies the host type for which user wants to download the physical agent. 'kLinux' indicates the Linux operating system. 'kWindows' indicates the Microsoft Windows operating system. 'kAix' indicates the IBM AIX operating system. 'kSolaris' indicates the Oracle Solaris operating system. 'kSapHana' indicates the Sap Hana database system developed by SAP SE. 'kOther' indicates the other types of operating system. pkg_type (PkgTypeEnum, optional): Specifies the Linux installer package type applicable only to Linux OS and the value can be any of ("kScript","kRPM", "kSuseRPM", "kDEB") 'kScript' indicates a script based agent installer. 'kRPM' indicates a RPM agent installer. 'kSuseRPM' indicates a Open Suse RPM installer. 'kDEB' indicates a Debian agent installer. agent_type (AgentTypeEnum, optional): Specifies agent type. Can be "kGo" for go agent and "kJava" for java agent and "kCpp" for c++ agent. 'kCpp' indicates a c++ agent. 'kJava' indicates a java agent. 'kGo' indicates a go agent. Returns: list of int: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_download_physical_agent called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for get_download_physical_agent.' ) self.validate_parameters(host_type=host_type) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for get_download_physical_agent.') _url_path = '/public/physicalAgents/download' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'hostType': host_type, 'pkgType': pkg_type, 'agentType': agent_type } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for get_download_physical_agent.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_download_physical_agent.' ) _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_download_physical_agent') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for get_download_physical_agent.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_upgrade_physical_agents(self, body=None): """Does a POST request to /public/physicalAgents/upgrade. If the request is successful, the Cohesity agents on the specified Physical Servers are upgraded to the agent release currently available from this Cohesity Cluster. For example if the Cluster is upgraded from 3.7.1 to 4.0, the agents on the specified Physical Servers can be upgraded to 4.0 using this POST operation. To get the agentIds to pass into this operation, call GET /public/protectionSources with the environment set to 'KPhysical'. In addition this GET operation returns the agentUpgradability field, that indicates if an agent can be upgraded. Use the agentUpgradability field to determine which Physical Servers to upgrade using this POST /public/physicalAgents/upgrade operation. WARNING: Only agents at a particular Cohesity release can be upgraded using this operation. See the Cohesity online help for details. Returns the status of the upgrade initiation. Args: body (UpgradePhysicalServerAgents, optional): Request to upgrade agents on Physical Servers. Returns: UpgradePhysicalAgentsMessage: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_upgrade_physical_agents called.') # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for create_upgrade_physical_agents.') _url_path = '/public/physicalAgents/upgrade' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for create_upgrade_physical_agents.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_upgrade_physical_agents.' ) _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='create_upgrade_physical_agents') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for create_upgrade_physical_agents.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, UpgradePhysicalAgentsMessage.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def list_protection_sources(self, after_cursor_entity_id=None, before_cursor_entity_id=None, node_id=None, page_size=None, has_valid_mailbox=None, has_valid_onedrive=None, id=None, num_levels=None, exclude_types=None, exclude_aws_types=None, include_datastores=None, include_networks=None, include_vm_folders=None, include_system_v_apps=None, environments=None, environment=None, include_entity_permission_info=None, sids=None, include_source_credentials=None, encryption_key=None, tenant_ids=None, all_under_hierarchy=None): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources. If no parameters are specified, all Protection Sources that are registered on the Cohesity Cluster are returned. In addition, an Object subtree gathered from each Source is returned. For example, the Cohesity Cluster interrogates a Source VMware vCenter Server and creates an hierarchical Object subtree that mirrors the Inventory tree on vCenter Server. The contents of the Object tree are returned as a "nodes" hierarchy of "protectionSource"s. Specifying parameters can alter the results that are returned. Args: after_cursor_entity_id (long|int, optional): Specifies the entity id starting from which the items are to be returned. before_cursor_entity_id (long|int, optional): Specifies the entity id upto which the items are to be returned. node_id (long|int, optional): Specifies the entity id for the Node at any level within the Source entity hierarchy whose children are to be paginated. page_size (long|int, optional): Specifies the maximum number of entities to be returned within the page. has_valid_mailbox (bool, optional): If set to true, users with valid mailbox will be returned. has_valid_onedrive (bool, optional): If set to true, users with valid onedrive will be returned. id (long|int, optional): Return the Object subtree for the passed in Protection Source id. num_levels (int, optional): Specifies the expected number of levels from the root node to be returned in the entity hierarchy response. exclude_types (list of ExcludeTypeEnum, optional): Filter out the Object types (and their subtrees) that match the passed in types such as 'kVCenter', 'kFolder', 'kDatacenter', 'kComputeResource', 'kResourcePool', 'kDatastore', 'kHostSystem', 'kVirtualMachine', etc. For example, set this parameter to 'kResourcePool' to exclude Resource Pool Objects from being returned. exclude_aws_types (list of ExcludeAwsTypeEnum, optional): Specifies the Object types to be filtered out for AWS that match the passed in types such as 'kEC2Instance', 'kRDSInstance' etc. For example, set this parameter to 'kEC2Instance' to exclude ec2 instance from being returned. include_datastores (bool, optional): Set this parameter to true to also return kDatastore object types found in the Source in addition to their Object subtrees. By default, datastores are not returned. include_networks (bool, optional): Set this parameter to true to also return kNetwork object types found in the Source in addition to their Object subtrees. By default, network objects are not returned. include_vm_folders (bool, optional): Set this parameter to true to also return kVMFolder object types found in the Source in addition to their Object subtrees. By default, VM folder objects are not returned. include_system_v_apps (bool, optional): Set this parameter to true to also return system VApp object types found in the Source in addition to their Object subtrees. By default, VM folder objects are not returned. environments (list of EnvironmentListProtectionSourcesEnum, optional): Return only Protection Sources that match the passed in environment type such as 'kVMware', 'kSQL', 'kView' 'kPhysical', 'kPuppeteer', 'kPure', 'kNetapp', 'kGenericNas', 'kHyperV', 'kAcropolis', or 'kAzure'. For example, set this parameter to 'kVMware' to only return the Sources (and their Object subtrees) found in the 'kVMware' (VMware vCenter Server) environment. NOTE: 'kPuppeteer' refers to Cohesity's Remote Adapter. environment (string, optional): This field is deprecated. Use environments instead. deprecated: true include_entity_permission_info (bool, optional): If specified, then a list of entites with permissions assigned to them are returned. sids (list of string, optional): Filter the object subtree for the sids given in the list. include_source_credentials (bool, optional): If specified, then crednetial for the registered sources will be included. Credential is first encrypted with internal key and then reencrypted with user supplied 'encryption_key'. encryption_key (string, optional): Key to be used to encrypt the source credential. If include_source_credentials is set to true this key must be specified. tenant_ids (list of string, optional): TenantIds contains ids of the tenants for which objects are to be returned. all_under_hierarchy (bool, optional): AllUnderHierarchy specifies if objects of all the tenants under the hierarchy of the logged in user's organization should be returned. Returns: list of ProtectionSourceNode: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'list_protection_sources called.') # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for list_protection_sources.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'afterCursorEntityId': after_cursor_entity_id, 'beforeCursorEntityId': before_cursor_entity_id, 'nodeId': node_id, 'pageSize': page_size, 'hasValidMailbox': has_valid_mailbox, 'hasValidOnedrive': has_valid_onedrive, 'id': id, 'numLevels': num_levels, 'excludeTypes': exclude_types, 'excludeAwsTypes': exclude_aws_types, 'includeDatastores': include_datastores, 'includeNetworks': include_networks, 'includeVMFolders': include_vm_folders, 'includeSystemVApps': include_system_v_apps, 'environments': environments, 'environment': environment, 'includeEntityPermissionInfo': include_entity_permission_info, 'sids': sids, 'includeSourceCredentials': include_source_credentials, 'encryptionKey': encryption_key, 'tenantIds': tenant_ids, 'allUnderHierarchy': all_under_hierarchy } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for list_protection_sources.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for list_protection_sources.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='list_protection_sources') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for list_protection_sources.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, ProtectionSourceNode.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def list_application_servers(self, protection_sources_root_node_id=None, environment=None, protection_source_id=None, application=None): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources/applicationServers. Given the root node id of a Protection Source tree, returns the list of Application Servers registered under that tree based on the filters. Args: protection_sources_root_node_id (long|int, optional): Specifies the Protection Source Id of the root node of a Protection Sources tree. A root node represents a registered Source on the Cohesity Cluster, such as a vCenter Server. environment (EnvironmentListApplicationServersEnum, optional): Specifies the environment such as 'kPhysical' or 'kVMware' of the Protection Source tree. overrideDescription: true Supported environment types such as 'kView', 'kSQL', 'kVMware', etc. NOTE: 'kPuppeteer' refers to Cohesity's Remote Adapter. 'kVMware' indicates the VMware Protection Source environment. 'kHyperV' indicates the HyperV Protection Source environment. 'kSQL' indicates the SQL Protection Source environment. 'kView' indicates the View Protection Source environment. 'kPuppeteer' indicates the Cohesity's Remote Adapter. 'kPhysical' indicates the physical Protection Source environment. 'kPure' indicates the Pure Storage Protection Source environment. 'Nimble' indicates the Nimble Storage Protection Source environment. 'kAzure' indicates the Microsoft's Azure Protection Source environment. 'kNetapp' indicates the Netapp Protection Source environment. 'kAgent' indicates the Agent Protection Source environment. 'kGenericNas' indicates the Generic Network Attached Storage Protection Source environment. 'kAcropolis' indicates the Acropolis Protection Source environment. 'kPhsicalFiles' indicates the Physical Files Protection Source environment. 'kIsilon' indicates the Dell EMC's Isilon Protection Source environment. 'kGPFS' indicates IBM's GPFS Protection Source environment. 'kKVM' indicates the KVM Protection Source environment. 'kAWS' indicates the AWS Protection Source environment. 'kExchange' indicates the Exchange Protection Source environment. 'kHyperVVSS' indicates the HyperV VSS Protection Source environment. 'kOracle' indicates the Oracle Protection Source environment. 'kGCP' indicates the Google Cloud Platform Protection Source environment. 'kFlashBlade' indicates the Flash Blade Protection Source environment. 'kAWSNative' indicates the AWS Native Protection Source environment. 'kO365' indicates the Office 365 Protection Source environment. 'kO365Outlook' indicates Office 365 outlook Protection Source environment. 'kHyperFlex' indicates the Hyper Flex Protection Source environment. 'kGCPNative' indicates the GCP Native Protection Source environment. 'kAzureNative' indicates the Azure Native Protection Source environment. 'kKubernetes' indicates a Kubernetes Protection Source environment. 'kElastifile' indicates Elastifile Protection Source environment. 'kAD' indicates Active Directory Protection Source environment. 'kRDSSnapshotManager' indicates AWS RDS Protection Source environment. 'kCassandra' indicates Cassandra Protection Source environment. 'kMongoDB' indicates MongoDB Protection Source environment. 'kCouchbase' indicates Couchbase Protection Source environment. 'kHdfs' indicates Hdfs Protection Source environment. 'kHive' indicates Hive Protection Source environment. 'kHBase' indicates HBase Protection Source environment. protection_source_id (long|int, optional): Specifies the Protection Source Id of the 'kPhysical' or 'kVMware' entity in the Protection Source tree hosting the applications. application (ApplicationEnum, optional): Specifies the application such as 'kSQL', 'kExchange' running on the Protection Source. overrideDescription: true Supported environment types such as 'kView', 'kSQL', 'kVMware', etc. NOTE: 'kPuppeteer' refers to Cohesity's Remote Adapter. 'kVMware' indicates the VMware Protection Source environment. 'kHyperV' indicates the HyperV Protection Source environment. 'kSQL' indicates the SQL Protection Source environment. 'kView' indicates the View Protection Source environment. 'kPuppeteer' indicates the Cohesity's Remote Adapter. 'kPhysical' indicates the physical Protection Source environment. 'kPure' indicates the Pure Storage Protection Source environment. 'Nimble' indicates the Nimble Storage Protection Source environment. 'kAzure' indicates the Microsoft's Azure Protection Source environment. 'kNetapp' indicates the Netapp Protection Source environment. 'kAgent' indicates the Agent Protection Source environment. 'kGenericNas' indicates the Generic Network Attached Storage Protection Source environment. 'kAcropolis' indicates the Acropolis Protection Source environment. 'kPhsicalFiles' indicates the Physical Files Protection Source environment. 'kIsilon' indicates the Dell EMC's Isilon Protection Source environment. 'kGPFS' indicates IBM's GPFS Protection Source environment. 'kKVM' indicates the KVM Protection Source environment. 'kAWS' indicates the AWS Protection Source environment. 'kExchange' indicates the Exchange Protection Source environment. 'kHyperVVSS' indicates the HyperV VSS Protection Source environment. 'kOracle' indicates the Oracle Protection Source environment. 'kGCP' indicates the Google Cloud Platform Protection Source environment. 'kFlashBlade' indicates the Flash Blade Protection Source environment. 'kAWSNative' indicates the AWS Native Protection Source environment. 'kO365' indicates the Office 365 Protection Source environment. 'kO365Outlook' indicates Office 365 outlook Protection Source environment. 'kHyperFlex' indicates the Hyper Flex Protection Source environment. 'kGCPNative' indicates the GCP Native Protection Source environment. 'kAzureNative' indicates the Azure Native Protection Source environment. 'kKubernetes' indicates a Kubernetes Protection Source environment. 'kElastifile' indicates Elastifile Protection Source environment. 'kAD' indicates Active Directory Protection Source environment. 'kRDSSnapshotManager' indicates AWS RDS Protection Source environment. 'kCassandra' indicates Cassandra Protection Source environment. 'kMongoDB' indicates MongoDB Protection Source environment. 'kCouchbase' indicates Couchbase Protection Source environment. 'kHdfs' indicates Hdfs Protection Source environment. 'kHive' indicates Hive Protection Source environment. 'kHBase' indicates HBase Protection Source environment. Returns: list of RegisteredApplicationServer: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'list_application_servers called.') # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for list_application_servers.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/applicationServers' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'protectionSourcesRootNodeId': protection_sources_root_node_id, 'environment': environment, 'protectionSourceId': protection_source_id, 'application': application } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for list_application_servers.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for list_application_servers.' ) _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='list_application_servers') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for list_application_servers.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, RegisteredApplicationServer.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_register_application_servers(self, body): """Does a POST request to /public/protectionSources/applicationServers. Registering Application Servers will help Cohesity Cluster such that any application specific data can be backed up. Returns the Protection Source registered upon success. Args: body (RegisterApplicationServersParameters): Request to register Application Servers in a Protection Source. Returns: ProtectionSource: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_register_application_servers called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_register_application_servers.' ) self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for create_register_application_servers.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/applicationServers' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for create_register_application_servers.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_register_application_servers.' ) _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='create_register_application_servers') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for create_register_application_servers.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ProtectionSource.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def update_application_servers(self, body): """Does a PUT request to /public/protectionSources/applicationServers. Returns the Protection Source whose registration parameters of its Application Servers are modified upon success. Args: body (UpdateApplicationServerParameters): Request to modify the Application Servers registration of a Protection Source. Returns: ProtectionSource: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'update_application_servers called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for update_application_servers.' ) self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for update_application_servers.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/applicationServers' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for update_application_servers.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for update_application_servers.' ) _request = self.http_client.put( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='update_application_servers') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for update_application_servers.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ProtectionSource.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def delete_unregister_application_servers(self, body, id): """Does a DELETE request to /public/protectionSources/applicationServers/{id}. Unregistering Application Servers will fail if the Protection Source is currently being backed up. Returns the Protection Source whose Application Servers are unregistered upon success. Args: body (UnRegisterApplicationServersParameters): Request to register a protection source. id (long|int): Specifies a unique id of the Protection Source to unregister the Application Servers. If the Protection Source is currently being backed up, unregister operation will fail. Returns: ProtectionSource: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'delete_unregister_application_servers called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for delete_unregister_application_servers.' ) self.validate_parameters(body=body, id=id) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for delete_unregister_application_servers.' ) _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/applicationServers/{id}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for delete_unregister_application_servers.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for delete_unregister_application_servers.' ) _request = self.http_client.delete( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='delete_unregister_application_servers') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for delete_unregister_application_servers.' ) if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ProtectionSource.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def list_data_store_information(self, source_id): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources/datastores. Returns the datastore information in VMware environment. Args: source_id (long|int): Specifies the id of the virtual machine in vmware environment. Returns: list of ProtectionSource: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'list_data_store_information called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for list_data_store_information.' ) self.validate_parameters(source_id=source_id) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for list_data_store_information.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/datastores' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = {'sourceId': source_id} _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for list_data_store_information.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for list_data_store_information.' ) _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='list_data_store_information') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for list_data_store_information.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ProtectionSource.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def run_diagnostics(self, id): """Does a POST request to /public/protectionSources/diagnostics/{id} If the request is successful, the diagnostics script is triggered on Cohesity agent which generates a tarball containing various diagnostics and uploads it to the Cohesity cluster. Host type could be Linux, Windows. Args: id (int): Specifies the entity id. Returns: RunDiagnosticsMessage: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'run_diagnostics called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for run_diagnostics.' ) self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/diagnostics/{id}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for run_diagnostics.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for run_diagnostics.' ) _request =, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='run_diagnostics') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for run_diagnostics.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, RunDiagnosticsMessage.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def download_cft_file(self, body=None): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources/downloadCftFile. TODO: Type description here. Args: body (DownloadCftParams): Specifies the request to download CFT. Returns: DownloadCftResponse: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'download_cft_file called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for download_cft_file.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/downloadCftFile' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for download_cft_file.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for download_cft_file.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='download_cft_file') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for download_cft_file.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, DownloadCftResponse.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def list_exchange_dag_hosts(self, endpoint=None, protection_source_id=None): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources/exchangeDagHosts. Returns information about all the exchange hosts that belong to an Exchange DAG. Args: endpoint (string, optional): Specifies the endpoint of Exchange DAG or a host which is member of Exchange DAG or a standalone exchange server. protection_source_id (int): Specifies the Protection Source Id of the Exchange DAG source. Returns: ExchangeDagHostsResponse: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'list_exchange_dag_hosts called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for list_exchange_dag_hosts.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/exchangeDagHosts' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = {'endpoint': endpoint, 'protectionSourceId': protection_source_id} _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for list_exchange_dag_hosts.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for list_exchange_dag_hosts.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='list_exchange_dag_hosts') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for list_exchange_dag_hosts.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ExchangeDagHostsResponse.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_protection_sources_objects(self, object_ids=None): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources/objects. Returns the Protection Source objects corresponding to the specified ids. Args: object_ids (list of long|int, optional): Specifies the ids of the Protection Source objects to return. Returns: list of ProtectionSource: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_protection_sources_objects called.') # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for get_protection_sources_objects.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/objects' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = {'objectIds': object_ids} _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for get_protection_sources_objects.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_protection_sources_objects.' ) _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='get_protection_sources_objects') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for get_protection_sources_objects.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ProtectionSource.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_protection_sources_object_by_id(self, id): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources/objects/{id}. Returns the Protection Source object corresponding to the specified id. Args: id (long|int): Specifies a unique id of the Protection Source to return. Returns: ProtectionSource: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_protection_sources_object_by_id called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for get_protection_sources_object_by_id.' ) self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for get_protection_sources_object_by_id.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/objects/{id}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for get_protection_sources_object_by_id.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_protection_sources_object_by_id.' ) _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='get_protection_sources_object_by_id') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for get_protection_sources_object_by_id.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ProtectionSource.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def list_protected_objects(self, environment, id, all_under_hierarchy=None, include_rpo_snapshots=None): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources/protectedObjects. Returns the list of protected Objects in a registered Protection Source. Args: environment (EnvironmentListProtectedObjectsEnum): Specifies the environment type of the registered Protection Source such as 'kVMware', 'kSQL', 'kView' 'kPhysical', 'kPuppeteer', 'kPure', 'kNetapp', 'kGenericNas', 'kHyperV', 'kAcropolis', or 'kAzure'. For example, set this parameter to 'kVMware' if the registered Protection Source is of 'kVMware' environment type. Supported environment types such as 'kView', 'kSQL', 'kVMware', etc. NOTE: 'kPuppeteer' refers to Cohesity's Remote Adapter. 'kVMware' indicates the VMware Protection Source environment. 'kHyperV' indicates the HyperV Protection Source environment. 'kSQL' indicates the SQL Protection Source environment. 'kView' indicates the View Protection Source environment. 'kPuppeteer' indicates the Cohesity's Remote Adapter. 'kPhysical' indicates the physical Protection Source environment. 'kPure' indicates the Pure Storage Protection Source environment. 'Nimble' indicates the Nimble Storage Protection Source environment. 'kAzure' indicates the Microsoft's Azure Protection Source environment. 'kNetapp' indicates the Netapp Protection Source environment. 'kAgent' indicates the Agent Protection Source environment. 'kGenericNas' indicates the Generic Network Attached Storage Protection Source environment. 'kAcropolis' indicates the Acropolis Protection Source environment. 'kPhsicalFiles' indicates the Physical Files Protection Source environment. 'kIsilon' indicates the Dell EMC's Isilon Protection Source environment. 'kGPFS' indicates IBM's GPFS Protection Source environment. 'kKVM' indicates the KVM Protection Source environment. 'kAWS' indicates the AWS Protection Source environment. 'kExchange' indicates the Exchange Protection Source environment. 'kHyperVVSS' indicates the HyperV VSS Protection Source environment. 'kOracle' indicates the Oracle Protection Source environment. 'kGCP' indicates the Google Cloud Platform Protection Source environment. 'kFlashBlade' indicates the Flash Blade Protection Source environment. 'kAWSNative' indicates the AWS Native Protection Source environment. 'kO365' indicates the Office 365 Protection Source environment. 'kO365Outlook' indicates Office 365 outlook Protection Source environment. 'kHyperFlex' indicates the Hyper Flex Protection Source environment. 'kGCPNative' indicates the GCP Native Protection Source environment. 'kAzureNative' indicates the Azure Native Protection Source environment. 'kKubernetes' indicates a Kubernetes Protection Source environment. 'kElastifile' indicates Elastifile Protection Source environment. 'kAD' indicates Active Directory Protection Source environment. 'kRDSSnapshotManager' indicates AWS RDS Protection Source environment. 'kCassandra' indicates Cassandra Protection Source environment. 'kMongoDB' indicates MongoDB Protection Source environment. 'kCouchbase' indicates Couchbase Protection Source environment. 'kHdfs' indicates Hdfs Protection Source environment. 'kHive' indicates Hive Protection Source environment. 'kHBase' indicates HBase Protection Source environment. id (long|int): Specifies the Id of a registered Protection Source of the type given in environment. all_under_hierarchy (bool, optional): AllUnderHierarchy specifies if objects of all the tenants under the hierarchy of the logged in user's organization should be returned. include_rpo_snapshots (bool, optional): If true, then the Protected Objects protected by RPO policies will also be returned. Returns: list of ProtectedVmInfo: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'list_protected_objects called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for list_protected_objects.') self.validate_parameters(environment=environment, id=id) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for list_protected_objects.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/protectedObjects' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'environment': environment, 'id': id, 'allUnderHierarchy': all_under_hierarchy, 'includeRpoSnapshots': include_rpo_snapshots } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for list_protected_objects.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for list_protected_objects.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='list_protected_objects') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for list_protected_objects.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ProtectedVmInfo.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_refresh_protection_source_by_id(self, id): """Does a POST request to /public/protectionSources/refresh/{id}. Force an immediate refresh between the specified Protection Source tree on the Cohesity Cluster and the Inventory tree in the associated vCenter Server. For example if a new VM is added to the vCenter Server, after a refresh, a new Protection Source node for this VM is added to the Protection Sources tree. Success indicates the forced refresh has been completed. For larger sources it is possible for the operation to timeout before the force refresh has been completed. This timeout can be increased by modifying the 'iris_post_timeout_msecs_to_magneto' gflag on the Iris service. Args: id (long|int): Id of the root node of the Protection Sources tree to refresh. Force a refresh of the Object hierarchy for the passed in Protection Sources Id. Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_refresh_protection_source_by_id called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_refresh_protection_source_by_id.' ) self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for create_refresh_protection_source_by_id.' ) _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/refresh/{id}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_refresh_protection_source_by_id.' ) _request = AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='create_refresh_protection_source_by_id') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for create_refresh_protection_source_by_id.' ) if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_register_protection_source(self, body): """Does a POST request to /public/protectionSources/register. Register a Protection Source on the Cohesity Cluster. It could be the root node of a vCenter Server or a physical server. Returns the newly registered Protection Source upon success. Args: body (RegisterProtectionSourceParameters): Request to register a protection source. Returns: ProtectionSource: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_register_protection_source called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_register_protection_source.' ) self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for create_register_protection_source.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/register' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for create_register_protection_source.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_register_protection_source.' ) _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='create_register_protection_source') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for create_register_protection_source.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ProtectionSource.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def list_protection_sources_registration_info( self, environments=None, ids=None, include_entity_permission_info=None, sids=None, include_source_credentials=None, encryption_key=None, include_applications_tree_info=None, tenant_ids=None, all_under_hierarchy=None): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources/registrationInfo. Returns the registration and protection information of the registered Protection Sources. Args: environments (list of EnvironmentListProtectionSourcesRegistrationInfoEnum, optional): Return only Protection Sources that match the passed in environment type such as 'kVMware', 'kSQL', 'kView' 'kPhysical', 'kPuppeteer', 'kPure', 'kNetapp', 'kGenericNas', 'kHyperV', 'kAcropolis', or 'kAzure'. For example, set this parameter to 'kVMware' to only return the Sources (and their Object subtrees) found in the 'kVMware' (VMware vCenter Server) environment. NOTE: 'kPuppeteer' refers to Cohesity's Remote Adapter. ids (list of long|int, optional): Return only the registered root nodes whose Ids are given in the list. include_entity_permission_info (bool, optional): If specified, then a list of entities with permissions assigned to them are returned. sids (list of string, optional): Filter the registered root nodes for the sids given in the list. include_source_credentials (bool, optional): If specified, then crednetial for the registered sources will be included. Credential is first encrypted with internal key and then reencrypted with user supplied 'encryption_key'. encryption_key (string, optional): Key to be used to encrypt the source credential. If include_source_credentials is set to true this key must be specified. include_applications_tree_info (bool, optional): Specifies whether to return applications tree info or not. tenant_ids (list of string, optional): TenantIds contains ids of the tenants for which objects are to be returned. all_under_hierarchy (bool, optional): AllUnderHierarchy specifies if objects of all the tenants under the hierarchy of the logged in user's organization should be returned. Returns: GetRegistrationInfoResponse: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try: 'list_protection_sources_registration_info called.') # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for list_protection_sources_registration_info.' ) _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/registrationInfo' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'environments': environments, 'ids': ids, 'includeEntityPermissionInfo': include_entity_permission_info, 'sids': sids, 'includeSourceCredentials': include_source_credentials, 'encryptionKey': encryption_key, 'includeApplicationsTreeInfo':include_applications_tree_info, 'tenantIds': tenant_ids, 'allUnderHierarchy': all_under_hierarchy } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for list_protection_sources_registration_info.' ) _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for list_protection_sources_registration_info.' ) _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='list_protection_sources_registration_info') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for list_protection_sources_registration_info.' ) if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, GetRegistrationInfoResponse.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def list_protection_sources_root_nodes(self, id=None, environments=None, environment=None): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources/rootNodes. Returns the root Protection Sources and the registration information for each of these Sources. Args: id (long|int, optional): Return the registration information for the Protection Source id. environments (list of EnvironmentListProtectionSourcesRootNodesEnum, optional): Return only the root Protection Sources that match the passed in environment type such as 'kVMware', 'kSQL', 'kView', 'kPuppeteer', 'kPhysical', 'kPure', 'kNetapp', 'kGenericNas', 'kHyperV', 'kAcropolis' 'kAzure'. For example, set this parameter to 'kVMware' to only return the root Protection Sources found in the 'kVMware' (VMware vCenter) environment. In addition, the registration information for each Source is returned. NOTE: 'kPuppeteer' refers to Cohesity's Remote Adapter. environment (string, optional): This field is deprecated. Use environments instead. deprecated: true Returns: list of ProtectionSourceNode: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'list_protection_sources_root_nodes called.') # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for list_protection_sources_root_nodes.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/rootNodes' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'id': id, 'environments': environments, 'environment': environment } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for list_protection_sources_root_nodes.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for list_protection_sources_root_nodes.' ) _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='list_protection_sources_root_nodes') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for list_protection_sources_root_nodes.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, ProtectionSourceNode.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def list_sql_aag_hosts_and_databases(self, sql_protection_source_ids): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources/sqlAagHostsAndDatabases. Given a list of Protection Source Ids registered as SQL servers, returns AAGs found and the databases in AAG(Always on Availablity Group). Args: sql_protection_source_ids (list of long|int): Specifies a list of Ids of Protection Sources registered as SQL servers. These sources may have one or more SQL databases in them. Some of them may be part of AAGs(Always on Availability Group). Returns: list of SqlAagHostAndDatabases: Response from the API. List SQL AAG hosts and databases response. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'list_sql_aag_hosts_and_databases called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for list_sql_aag_hosts_and_databases.' ) self.validate_parameters( sql_protection_source_ids=sql_protection_source_ids) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for list_sql_aag_hosts_and_databases.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/sqlAagHostsAndDatabases' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'sqlProtectionSourceIds': sql_protection_source_ids } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for list_sql_aag_hosts_and_databases.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for list_sql_aag_hosts_and_databases.' ) _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='list_sql_aag_hosts_and_databases') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for list_sql_aag_hosts_and_databases.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, SqlAagHostAndDatabases.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def list_virtual_machines(self, v_center_id=None, names=None, uuids=None, protected=None): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionSources/virtualMachines. Returns all Virtual Machines found in all the vCenter Servers registered on the Cohesity Cluster that match the filter criteria specified using parameters. If an id is specified, only VMs found in the specified vCenter Server are returned. Only VM Objects are returned. Other VMware Objects such as datacenters are not returned. Args: v_center_id (long|int, optional): Limit the VMs returned to the set of VMs found in a specific vCenter Server. Pass in the root Protection Source id for the vCenter Server to search for VMs. names (list of string, optional): Limit the returned VMs to those that exactly match the passed in VM name. To match multiple VM names, specify multiple "names" parameters that each specify a single VM name. The string must exactly match the passed in VM name and wild cards are not supported. uuids (list of string, optional): Limit the returned VMs to those that exactly match the passed in UUIDs. protected (bool, optional): Limit the returned VMs to those that have been protected by a Protection Job. By default, both protected and unprotected VMs are returned. Returns: list of ProtectionSource: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'list_virtual_machines called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for list_virtual_machines.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/virtualMachines' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'vCenterId': v_center_id, 'names': names, 'uuids': uuids, 'protected': protected } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for list_virtual_machines.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for list_virtual_machines.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='list_virtual_machines') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for list_virtual_machines.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize(_context.response.raw_body, ProtectionSource.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def delete_unregister_protection_source(self, id): """Does a DELETE request to /public/protectionSources/{id}. Unregister a previously registered Protection Source. Args: id (long|int): Specifies a unique id of the Protection Source to unregister. If the Protection Source is currently being backed up, unregister operation will fail. Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'delete_unregister_protection_source called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for delete_unregister_protection_source.' ) self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for delete_unregister_protection_source.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/{id}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for delete_unregister_protection_source.' ) _request = self.http_client.delete(_query_url) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='delete_unregister_protection_source') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for delete_unregister_protection_source.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def update_protection_source(self, id, body=None): """Does a PATCH request to /public/protectionSources/{id}. Update a previously registered Protection Source with new details. Args: id (long|int): Specifies a unique id of the Protection Source to update. body (UpdateProtectionSourceParameters, optional): Request to update protection source. Returns: ProtectionSourceNode: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'update_protection_source called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for update_protection_source.') self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for update_protection_source.') _url_path = '/public/protectionSources/{id}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for update_protection_source.') _headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for update_protection_source.' ) _request = self.http_client.patch( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='update_protection_source') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for update_protection_source.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, ProtectionSourceNode.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise