Source code for controllers.protection_runs_controller

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 Cohesity Inc.

import logging
from cohesity_management_sdk.api_helper import APIHelper
from cohesity_management_sdk.configuration import Configuration
from cohesity_management_sdk.controllers.base_controller import BaseController
from cohesity_management_sdk.http.auth.auth_manager import AuthManager
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.protection_run_instance import ProtectionRunInstance
from cohesity_management_sdk.models.protection_run_errors import ProtectionRunErrors
from cohesity_management_sdk.exceptions.request_error_error_exception import RequestErrorErrorException

[docs]class ProtectionRunsController(BaseController): """A Controller to access Endpoints in the cohesity_management_sdk API.""" def __init__(self, config=None, client=None, call_back=None): super(ProtectionRunsController, self).__init__(client, call_back) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.config = config
[docs] def get_protection_runs(self, job_id=None, include_rpo_snapshots=None, started_time_usecs=None, start_time_usecs=None, end_time_usecs=None, num_runs=None, exclude_tasks=None, source_id=None, run_types=None, exclude_error_runs=None, exclude_non_restoreable_runs=None, only_return_shell_info=None): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionRuns. If no parameters are specified, Job Runs currently on the Cohesity Cluster are returned. Both running and completed Job Runs are reported. Specifying parameters filters the results that are returned. Args: job_id (long|int, optional): Filter by a Protection Job that is specified by id. If not specified, all Job Runs for all Protection Jobs are returned. include_rpo_snapshots (bool, optional): If true, then the snapshots for Protection Sources protected by Rpo policies will also be returned. started_time_usecs (long|int, optional): Return a specific Job Run by specifying a time and a jobId. Specify the time when the Job Run started as a Unix epoch Timestamp (in microseconds). If this field is specified, jobId must also be specified. start_time_usecs (long|int, optional): Filter by a start time. Only Job Runs that started after the specified time are returned. Specify the start time as a Unix epoch Timestamp (in microseconds). end_time_usecs (long|int, optional): Filter by a end time specified as a Unix epoch Timestamp (in microseconds). Only Job Runs that completed before the specified end time are returned. num_runs (long|int, optional): Specify the number of Job Runs to return. The newest Job Runs are returned. exclude_tasks (bool, optional): If true, the individual backup status for all the objects protected by the Job Run are not populated in the response. For example in a VMware environment, the status of backing up each VM associated with a Job is not returned. source_id (long|int, optional): Filter by source id. Only Job Runs protecting the specified source (such as a VM or View) are returned. The source id is assigned by the Cohesity Cluster. run_types (list of string, optional): Filter by run type such as 'kFull', 'kRegular' or 'kLog'. If not specified, Job Runs of all types are returned. exclude_error_runs (bool, optional): Filter out Jobs Runs with errors by setting this field to 'true'. If not set or set to 'false', Job Runs with errors are returned. exclude_non_restoreable_runs (bool, optional): Filter out jobs runs that cannot be restored by setting this field to 'true'. If not set or set to 'false', Runs without any successful object will be returned. The default value is false. only_return_shell_info (bool, optional): If passed as true, then only returns the summary information about run including details such as runs start time, status, type etc. It does not include extra details such as attempt/task info etc. Returns: list of ProtectionRunInstance: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_protection_runs called.') # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for get_protection_runs.') _url_path = '/public/protectionRuns' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'jobId': job_id, 'includeRpoSnapshots': include_rpo_snapshots, 'startedTimeUsecs': started_time_usecs, 'startTimeUsecs': start_time_usecs, 'endTimeUsecs': end_time_usecs, 'numRuns': num_runs, 'excludeTasks': exclude_tasks, 'sourceId': source_id, 'runTypes': run_types, 'excludeErrorRuns': exclude_error_runs, 'excludeNonRestoreableRuns': exclude_non_restoreable_runs, 'onlyReturnShellInfo': only_return_shell_info } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for get_protection_runs.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_protection_runs.') _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_protection_runs') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for get_protection_runs.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, ProtectionRunInstance.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def update_protection_runs(self, body): """Does a PUT request to /public/protectionRuns. Update the expiration date (retention period) for the specified Protection Job Runs and their snapshots. After an expiration time is reached, the Job Run and its snapshots are deleted. If an expiration time of 0 is specified, a Job Run and its snapshots are immediately deleted. Args: body (UpdateProtectionJobRunsParam): Request to update the expiration time of Protection Job Runs. Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'update_protection_runs called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for update_protection_runs.') self.validate_parameters(body=body) # Prepare query URL'Preparing query URL for update_protection_runs.') _url_path = '/public/protectionRuns' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers'Preparing headers for update_protection_runs.') _headers = {'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for update_protection_runs.') _request = self.http_client.put( _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='update_protection_runs') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes.'Validating response for update_protection_runs.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_cancel_protection_job_run(self, id, body=None): """Does a POST request to /public/protectionRuns/cancel/{id}. Cancel a Protection Job run. Args: id (long|int): Specifies a unique id of the Protection Job. body (CancelProtectionJobRunParam, optional): TODO: type description here. Example: Returns: void: Response from the API. No Content Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'create_cancel_protection_job_run called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for create_cancel_protection_job_run.' ) self.validate_parameters(id=id) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for create_cancel_protection_job_run.') _url_path = '/public/protectionRuns/cancel/{id}' _url_path = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters( _url_path, {'id': id}) _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for create_cancel_protection_job_run.') _headers = {'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for create_cancel_protection_job_run.' ) _request = _query_url, headers=_headers, parameters=APIHelper.json_serialize(body)) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request( _request, name='create_cancel_protection_job_run') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for create_cancel_protection_job_run.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def get_protection_run_errors(self, job_id, start_time_usecs, task_id, limit_number_of_errors=None, pagination_cookie=None): """Does a GET request to /public/protectionRuns/errors. jobId, startTimeUsecs and taskId have to be provided to get the a list of errors for a job run task. Args: job_id (long|int): Specifies the id of the Protection Job whose runs are to be returned. This field is required. start_time_usecs (long|int): Specifies the time when the Job Run started as a Unix epoch Timestamp (in microseconds). This field is required task_id (long|int): Specifies the id of the Protection Run task for which errors are to be returned. This field is required to get the errors list. limit_number_of_errors (long|int, optional): Specifies the number of the results expected. pagination_cookie (string, optional): Specifies the cookie for next set of results. Returns: ProtectionRunErrors: Response from the API. Success Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ try:'get_protection_run_errors called.') # Validate required parameters 'Validating required parameters for get_protection_run_errors.' ) self.validate_parameters(job_id=job_id, start_time_usecs=start_time_usecs, task_id=task_id) # Prepare query URL 'Preparing query URL for get_protection_run_errors.') _url_path = '/public/protectionRuns/errors' _query_builder = self.config.get_base_uri() _query_builder += _url_path _query_parameters = { 'jobId': job_id, 'startTimeUsecs': start_time_usecs, 'taskId': task_id, 'limitNumberOfErrors': limit_number_of_errors, 'paginationCookie': pagination_cookie } _query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( _query_builder, _query_parameters, Configuration.array_serialization) _query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(_query_builder) # Prepare headers 'Preparing headers for get_protection_run_errors.') _headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} # Prepare and execute request 'Preparing and executing request for get_protection_run_errors.' ) _request = self.http_client.get(_query_url, headers=_headers) AuthManager.apply(_request, self.config) _context = self.execute_request(_request, name='get_protection_run_errors') # Endpoint and global error handling using HTTP status codes. 'Validating response for get_protection_run_errors.') if _context.response.status_code == 0: raise RequestErrorErrorException('Error', _context) self.validate_response(_context) # Return appropriate type return APIHelper.json_deserialize( _context.response.raw_body, ProtectionRunErrors.from_dictionary) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise